News 2015 April

This is what I have published in the last month or so. I confirm my fundamental view - newspapers are political weapons, propaganda machines being used to manipulate us, just like the rest of the Main Stream Media, i.e. Television, wireless, film, magazines and Books. For earlier offerings go to  2015  or contact me at Mike Emery

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Top Stories 2015
30 April 2015 On this day in 1945 Adolf Hitler died. He committed suicide in the Führerbunker in Berlin as the Red Army closed in. See Adolf Hitler, a Brief Biography, thereby releasing officers of the Wehrmacht from their oaths of loyalty - see Otto Skorzeny Quoted About Adolf

Tory, Labour & Liberal Councillors Are Bent
Since the beginning of the year 291 LibDem, Labour or Tory councillors/candidates have hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons, yet received nowhere near the same level of outrage dished out over Ukippers' misdemeanours.

Research by ‘Nope No Hope’ reveals 21 paedos, 2 rapists, 1 terrorist, 13 racists, 6 sexists or homophobes, 1 drug fiend, 8 expenses cheats, 4 benefit fraudsters, and 28 thieves:
Of course this means that the Main Stream Media are corrupt as well. Then there are those councillors in Rotherham who pretended they knew nothing about large scale rape by Pakistani Perverts. Meanwhile MPs are making the money, by fair means or foul e.g. Hodge the Dodge.


Hodge The Dodge Gets £1.5 Million Bung From Tax Haven
Tax evasion? Hodge is a Jew keeping ugly company. It isn't just money, it's Paedophiles as well.


BBC Hides The Truth About Hodge The Dodge 
The BBC protects its peculiar friends. Jimmy Savile was just one of them.


29 April 2015 Dachau taken by the Americans this day in 1945. The guards were machine gunned. It was summary justice.

Scottish National Party Is Racist 
That is what Nigel Farage says. Nige is right. Of course the Tories & Labour are also Racists of the anti-English sort. The difference is that the big parties are in a position to destroy England. The Scottish National Party just want to be.


Indonesia Executes Third World Criminals
Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan are the criminals in question. It seems that they had Australian passports but they showed their true nature then paid a price.


28 April 2015

Blacks Riot In Baltimore
A state of emergency has been declared in Baltimore after the city transformed into 'an absolute war zone' following the funeral of Freddie Gray [ with the usual string of previous - Editor ].

More than 1,000 Maryland police officers, the Maryland National Guard, and 5,000 officers from neighboring states are on standby in the city and the president has been briefed on the situation as violence continues to escalate. It is the same level of reinforcement the city requested during the riots of 1968 after Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated............

Even as the governor of Maryland pledged the highest level of support available, police continued to be pelted with rocks and families were forced to flee their homes as fires spread from block to block.
Black criminal arrested. Black criminal dies. Police get blamed. Blacks riot. Main Stream Media incite Black Hate. It is what they did with their sob story about poor little Trayvon, a black thief who came unstuck. It is what the Daily Mail is doing here with their mention of the Very Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, a very nasty bit of work. So it is SNAFU. You doubt? They are at it all day, every day. See New Nation News to know the truth.
PS Cameron is importing millions more like him in order to destroy England. He is just one of the Enemy Within.

Blacks have fun in Baltimore.
Update: The police have been charged to appease the mob - see


Europe’s Boat People
THE European Union likes to boast that it is a force for good [ The Economist makes it up as it goes - Editor ]. But in the past ten days as many as 1,200 boat people have drowned in the waters of the Mediterranean. An unknown number were refugees from Syria, Eritrea and Somalia fleeing war or persecution. They perished in part because the EU’s policy on asylum is a moral and political failure.
The Economist - The World’s Sleaziest Magazine should understand finance. Its position on Morals is based on deeply sincere ignorance. In the alternative they are rogues running a propaganda machine rather than fools or ignoramuses. Their enthusiasm for importing Third World aliens is based on the fact they will not be living anywhere near. It is just the Working Class who have to suffer then get abused for being Racist. The Economist forgets to mention that the Jews have their answers, border fences & their Concentration Camps In Israel at Saharonim etcetera.
PS One of few sensible comments came from abu tayyi, an Arab presumably. European Socialists have swallowed the Western Guilt propaganda.


Labour Offers Election Bribe To First Time Home Buyers
Ed Miliband will today intensify a political offensive over housing with an offer to exempt first-time buyers from up to £5,000 in stamp duty using cash raised from tax crackdowns on rogue landlords and foreign investors.

The promise to waive the sales tax on properties worth up to £300,000 for those trying to get on the housing ladder comes as experts warned that Labour’s pledge to cap rents in the private sector could leave tenants worse off and choke off house building.
Labour likes power; it likes bribery. That is why it imports millions of
Third World aliens, to bribed with council houses etc. Then they go in for industrial scale Vote Rigging.


Police Let Janner Get Away With Paedophile Perversion Twice
Police failed to question Lord Janner of Braunstone on two occasions when he was named as a suspect in child abuse investigations. Leicestershire police did not try to interview the veteran Labour peer even though abuse victims came forward in 2002 and 2006 to accuse him of assaulting them, The Times understands.

Despite being the subject of allegations for 25 years, Lord Janner has only once been interviewed by police and on that occasion — in 1991 — he answered “no comment” to their questions.
The fix was in then. The fix is in now. It was all long time ago. Lessons have been learned etcetera. Blair put him into the Lords so that that the hot, sweaty, peasants of Leicestershire couldn't vote against him in 1997.
PS The 2014 Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry is being run by Lowell Goddard, a judge from New Zealand with a dodgy track record albeit their Attorney General has given her a clean bill of health. Vince Siemer disagrees big time. He was put in prison for his pains.

27 April 2015

The Guardian Ignored & Lied About Islamic Trojan Horse In Schools
There’s a lot of bad journalism about Muslims in this country, but not all of it is at the tabloid “Islamic-only toilets” end of the market. On the subject of the hardline takeover of Birmingham schools, I think The Guardian may be Britain’s most dishonest newspaper.

It’s a very good paper in some ways – but it has a complete blind spot about any story involving Islamists. Its coverage of Tower Hamlets has been spectacularly misleading. And the reporting on Trojan Horse by its education editor, Richard Adams, has been execrable.

Mr Adams now pronounces the entire saga a “crude witch-hunt” based on “not much evidence of anything,” claiming that “most” of the allegations of “segregated classes, compulsory prayers and incendiary preachers at school assemblies … have crumbled under examination.”............

Now I have no problem with taking a position on a story. I’ve taken a clear position on this one.......

But whatever you say has to be true to the best of your knowledge and belief. It has to be backed up by evidence. And it has to take proper account of any evidence against what you are reporting. You have to be sure that it does not outweigh the evidence in favour.
The Guardian is a Marxist propaganda machine, one that chose to conceal the truth about the Ukraine famine because it was set up by dear old uncle Joe Stalin. See Winter in Moscow on the point. Agenda first, truth later.


26 April 2015 On this day in 1986 at Chernobyl the Lenin Nuclear Power Station [ Did the BBC bother to tell you its name? Thought not. - Editor ]”; exploded. Sort of. A lot of radiation escaped (Hiroshima x 400!) and the remains of the plant had to be capped – like a decayed tooth – with a crown of concrete. The Greenies loved it. It proved everything they had been telling us. Or did it? A one time ox cart driver from the Soviet empire tells it differently. He has the scars to prove it. Chernobyl and Communism’s Revenge

Angela Merkel Wants To Inflict More Illegal Immigrants On Us
Angela Merkel threw down the gauntlet to David Cameron last night and said large countries should be prepared to accept more asylum seekers. [ Why? Editor ]. The German Chancellor demanded a new European Union system that distributes asylum-seekers to member states based on their population and economic strength.
Angela Merkel is probably wants us to believe that we have a Moral obligation to help these victims. Merkel is misguided at best. She came from Eastern Germany, part of the USSR. There she thrived under Marxism, which is a good reason to ignore her views about anything and everything. She does not explain why illegals are victims. The main culprits are the Marxist subversives who told blacks they would be better off running Africa. They were lied to big time. Now the same Marxists are importing them to destroy Western Civilization using Ethnic Cleansing followed by Genocide. Of course none of these Third World aliens will be living near her. We need the Moral Courage and the Moral understanding to treat her with the contempt she deserves.
PS The Rape in Sweden continues unabated.


25 April 2015 is Anzac Day. In 1915 when men of the Australian, New Zealand And Commonwealth forces landed at Gallipoli in 1915. That day helped the British high command achieve a rock solid reputation for gross incompetence which lives yet. It is a major national holiday in Oz and New Zealand. The Parachute Regiment, the RAF and many other British outfits parade with them.

Director Of Public Prosecutions Was In The Same Firm As Janner
Alison Saunders knew Janner before she let him get away with Paedophile perversion using a spurious excuse. The previous woman to be the Director of Public Prosecutions was dodgy too. Her old man set up various offshore money laundering companies for dear little Silvio Berlusconi, a crooked Italian politician. She signed all sorts of paper then had to claim that she was a silly little woman who didn't know what was going on. More at Tessa Jowell financial allegations.

Illegal Immigrant Smugglers Sneer At EU Attack Plan
Mediterranean smugglers mocked the European Union’s proposals to use military force to take out their boats, saying the vessels were easily replaceable and migrants were so desperate to get to Europe that they would buy their own dinghies and cross the seas alone.

EU leaders gathered at an emergency summit in Brussels yesterday to discuss securing a UN mandate to capture and destroy traffickers’ vessels to stem the deadly flow of migrants to their shores.
Invading Libya would be a War Crime. Not that Cameron would care. He has already sent the RAF there to murder people. Of course when they invade us they are criminals. Sinking them as pirates or invaders would be quick, easy, cheap effective, even quite possibly legal; in fine the right answer.


Stock Market Trader Arrested For Succeeding
Suspected rogue trader Navinder Sarao lived in his parents' modest home because [ not true ] it gave him a split-second advantage worth millions of pounds - and a potential £40 million offshore nest egg.

His family's semi-detached house in suburban West London is closer to an internet server used by one of the major financial exchanges, giving him a nanosecond [ microsecond in fact - Editor ] advantage over rivals in the City.

His thousands of high-frequency trades could be processed faster than those from dealers in Central London, giving him a massive commercial advantage.
His old firm says Sarao Didn't Cause 2010 Flash Crash, This is true. It seems that he went short when prices were going to fall and long when they were going up. Being nearer to a server than a big London firm helped. See Front Running for more. Read Flash Boys by Michael Lewis to understand what it is about.

Miliband Accuses Cameron Of Murder
sent the Royal Air Force to Libya to murder locals so: Yes, he is a murderer. Miliband approved at the time. Miliband's grandfather was a mass murder as well as an Illegal Immigrant so the pot calls the kettle black.

When Guns are Outlawed Only Jews will have Guns
The head of a major Jewish organization in the EU is calling upon lawmakers to revise gun control laws to allow Jews to begin arming themselves–presumably for self protection. “The Paris attacks, as well as the many challenges and threats which have been presented to the European Jewish community in recent years, have revealed the urgent need to stop talking and start acting,” said Rabbi Menachem Margolin, General Director of the European Jewish Association.............

Margolin made the remarks in a letter, which can be viewed in PDF format here, and while he does not specifically call for Jews to be exempted from laws barring citizens from carrying weapons in public, concealed or otherwise, that does seem to be the interpretation that RT, as well as the Jewish website Arutz Sheva, are giving it.
Perhaps Margolin, should ask why Jews are hated then make off to Israel or, whisper it - clean up their act. Theodor Herzl decided that was not an option. He understood his own. Now Zionist crazies are proving him right.

Jew Arrested For Thieving
New York Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, the top Democrat in the state Legislature, was handcuffed and hauled to court Thursday on charges that he used his office to extort millions of dollars in kickbacks and bribes.

Manhattan U.S. Magistrate Judge Frank Maas released Silver, 70, on $200,000 bail Thursday afternoon following his arrest on five counts, including conspiracy and bribery charges. He was forced to surrender his passport.........

Bharara said Silver “corruptly collected some $4 million in bribes and kickbacks disguised as ‘referral fees'” and said it accounted for “approximately two-thirds of all of Silver’s outside income since 2002.”
Another Jew, another thief. Blacks do it by robbery. Jews do it by fraud.

24 April 2015

Labour Will Import Millions More Says Cameron
David Cameron today makes a passionate plea to UKIP voters not to risk letting in a Labour government that will allow ‘a return to uncontrolled immigration’.....

‘Do you honestly think Ed Miliband cares about controlling immigration? No. He was there the last time, remember, when net immigration increased fivefold,’ he says.
'Do you honestly think Cameron cares about controlling immigration? Not a chance. He has no intention of sorting out Third World aliens who want to live off us. He got immigration up threefold while saying he would cut it. He doesn't have any intention of stopping them. Stop bribing them with dole money, free medicine, free housing, free everything. Then it will slow down. Cameron lied to us about the Referendum. He is lying now. Cameron has blatantly breached his Oath of Loyalty to England. Cameron is a Traitor.
PS Take the point that the Conservative Party chairmen, 'Lord' Feldman and Grant Shapps are both Jews, which is to say enemy aliens. Whence the Ethnic Fouling Of England.

Pakistani Mayor Of Tower Hamlets Convicted At Last
A London mayor who 'cynically perverted' the religious feeling of his Muslim community and 'silenced his critics with accusations of racism and Islamophobia' has been removed from office after a bitter legal battle with voters.

Disgraced Lutfur Rahman repeatedly played the 'race card' in his bid to seize the mayoralty of Tower Hamlets and later cling to power, Election Commissioner Richard Mawrey found today.........

Rahman, who was not in court for the judgement, was ordered to pay £250,000 costs following an Election Court trial estimated to have run up legal bills in the region of £1 million.
It took a long time to get there but it worked in the end but only because people prosecuted. The Metropolitan Police were actively helping him get away with fraud because pandering to Pakistani Perverts is policy as 'Lord' Ahmed knows. Being a Racist just fine for him. Notice that one of the plaintiffs was also a Pakistani. He wasn't in-crowd; coming from the wrong village [ in Bangla Desh ] is a problem. Rahman is a deeply sincere crook. Rahman stays out of prison; sad to say.

Police Pander To Pakistani Perversion
Police are facing criticism for failing to investigate allegations of widespread election fraud as the judge who sacked Britain’s first Muslim mayor warned of “postal voting factories” and thousands of ballots being sold across Britain.

Lutfur Rahman was removed as mayor of Tower Hamlets in east London and banned from standing again after an electoral court found him guilty of a string of “corrupt and illegal practices” including ballot rigging, buying votes and lying about his opponents..........

The Metropolitan Police has also come under fire for failing to do anything to address concerns about Rahman’s behaviour since he became leader of the council in 2008 and then the elected mayor two years later........

On Thursday night senior Met commanders were locked in an urgent meeting to decide whether the findings of the Electoral Court warranted a full criminal investigation......

Mr Erlam said that police took bogus complaints by Rahman’s supporters against him seriously and at one point threatened him with being interviewed under caution.

Meanwhile, he said, they did nothing to tackle the core allegations or the “serious intimidation” conducted against anti-Rahman witnesses in the case.
The Met is concerned about whether there should be a criminal investigation - with them as suspects, not vice versa. They have a lot of experience of corruption. The last Met boss to show any real sign of being straight is Sir Robert Mark back in 1972.

Lutfur Rahman And Fraud
Pakistani, power, perversion. It all hangs together. Tower Hamlets have an income of £1 billion or so. There is plenty of scope for thieving.

The Guardian Backs Pakistani Criminal Because It Is Racist
Lutfur Rahman had barely been elected for his second term as independent mayor of Tower Hamlets be before an offensive began to delegitimise the results.

This is to be expected. There had been a concerted effort by the media and political establishment to smear Rahman. This culminated in Panorama exposé, followed by Eric Pickles sending in police to investigate the documentary's claims. And though the investigation turned up no credible evidence of wrongdoing, Labour insiders were confidently expecting victory. To be defeated by a convincing margin in an election where the turnout was London's highest must have hurt.
The Guardian is prone to tell bare faced lies when it thinks fit. Any concerted effort by The Establishment was directed to helping him get away with crime. This particular prosecution was brought privately. The Guardian is a Racist propaganda machine.

Pakistani Racist Bans English Students At Goldsmiths
Students have hit out after white people were banned from an event supposed to be against racism. Those studying at Goldsmiths University in south London were invited to the student union event to call on academics to 'diversify the curriculum'. But many were left shocked when an organiser told white people and men 'not to come', as it was only open to black minority ethnic (BME) women.
She would probably claim that she is not inciting racial hatred. She will be allowed to get away with it regardless of the truth and of justice.

Rapist Rabbi To Be Tried As A Paedophile Pervert On Monday
Todros Grynhaus
was exposed by Channel 4. He then did a runner, which tells us what he thinks about his chances of beating various raps. The thugs running Israel sent him back. Even they don't like him. Then there is the matter of fraud. Rangers FC fans feel robbed. Is this all over the Main Stream Media. NO! Jews protect each other.
PS He has ten [ 10 ] children.
PPS The Home Office did not ask for an extradition. A friend in need is a friend in deed, especially if he is able to commit Misconduct In Public Office.

Janner Disposed Of Assets To Defraud Victims
The Jew Janner was fit to sign his property away but claims that he was not fit to stand trial. It is rather like the thief Ernie Saunders, the only one ever to recover from Alzheimer's but then Saunders is a Jew too. It got him out of prison after the Guinness Job.

Janner's Victims Still Emerging Now That He Has Got Away With It
There are now 30 or so. Janner proves that using the right synagogue pays off on time every time. If you need someone to Pervert The Course Of Justice for you just talk to the right rabbi. It might cost a lot though.

23 April 2015 is Saint George's Day. He is the patron saint of England. Little more is known about him. The legends were limited mainly by people's imaginations. See also St George's Day and Saint George for comment. He is celebrated in various places

UN Urges Rich Countries To Take In One Million Syrian Refugees
UN expert [ says ] rich countries must take in 1 million refugees to stop boat deaths. UN special rapporteur says inaction is creating a market for people smugglers, adding that world needs to take in a million Syrians over next five years
What does this 'expert' think we should do with a million Third World aliens? He does not say. He does not care. He says these things because they are Politically Correct - and keep him off the dole queue.


Most Illegal Immigrants In Mediterranean Will Be Sent Back
Only 5,000 resettlement places across Europe are to be offered to refugees under the emergency summit crisis package to be agreed by EU leaders in Brussels on Thursday.

A confidential draft summit statement seen by the Guardian indicates that the vast majority of those who survive the journey and make it to Italy – 150,000 did so last year – will be sent back as irregular migrants under a new rapid-return programme co-ordinated by the EU’s border agency, Frontex. More than 36,000 boat survivors have reached Italy, Malta and Greece so far this year......

Instead, the EU leaders are likely to agree that immediate preparations should begin to “undertake systematic efforts to identify, capture and destroy vessels before they are used by traffickers”. The joint EU military operation is to be undertaken within international law.
So now we know; they can send them back - if they want. Cameron doesn't want. Cameron is a Traitor, one of the Enemy Within creating an ever growing Trojan Horse to destroy our country by Ethnic Fouling, which merges smoothly into Genocide. The Guardian alleges that Cameron believes what he sees in the Main Stream Media regarding the victims of Illegal Immigration as distinct from the perpetrators. The Daily Mail says the opposite - see Voters tell Cameron to act on migration: Barely one in ten say they are satisfied with border policies as Tories switch to UKIP. Believe who you will.


English Paedophiles Convicted While Jew Walks Free
Our wonderful, man hating Director of Public Prosecutions is keen on prosecuting Englishmen and on letting Jews get away with it. She alleged that Janner was ill, an excuse she does not use with honest men. Perverting The Course Of Justice? Believe it. Real power is the power to abuse power.


Jews Convicted Of Kidnapping
Rabbi Mendel Epstein's attorney Robert G. Stahl released the following statement today on yesterday's federal kidnapping conspiracy conviction of his client and two other rabbis.

The statement makes no real sense legally. If you plot to kidnap someone, it doesn't matter whether or not you really have a weapon or if the person you plan on kidnapping turns out to be an undercover FBI agent posing as a recalcitrant husband – or even if that alleged recalcitrant husband doesn't exist, even in decoy form. If you plot to kidnap you have committed the crime of conspiracy to kidnap, and the government is under no obligation to allow your to kidnap someone before arresting you..........

As for Epstein's supposed good deeds, the man made a very good living charging desperate women a lot of money – close to $100,000 each – to kidnap and extort their husbands. He didn't do it for free, he didn't work for scale and he was anything but altruistic, even though some women were helped.
Scratch a Jew, find a criminal. The rabbis are the ones who tell Jews how to run their lives. Was little Adolf wrong about them?


Jew Arrested For Statutory Rape
Justin Miller, a 34-year-old child psychologist at Yeshiva University's Albert Einstein College of Medicine, was arrested yesterday for allegedly attempting to meet a 14-year-old girl for sex. Are they all Paedophile perverts?


22 April 2015

BBC Output Is A Labour Party Political Broadcast
The BBC or Bolshevik Broadcasting Commission is a Marxist propaganda machine. Guido Fawkes is right again.


Holocaust© 'Survivors' Will Give Evidence Against Alleged Camp Guard
Jews who allege that they are Holocaust® survivors will give evidence against Oskar Groening, lately of the SS. Compare this with Greville Janner, the Jew who has been allowed to get away with Paedophile perversion again because he claims he is ill by Her Majesty's Government with the enthusiastic collusion of Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition. The Director of Public Prosecutions chose to allege that the failure to prosecute happened by mistake. She lies. You might wonder why real War Criminals like Blair, Brown, Bush, Cameron, Obama & Netanyahu are allowed to walk free. Ask why it is a criminal offence in Germany to say that the Holocaust® Story is a pack of lies. Jews will not tell you but Der Spiegel knows that they took German mugs for €63.2 Billion, most of which got stolen.


21 April 2015

American Airborne Help Ukrainian War Effort
They are there to train the locals, just like those military advisors in Vietnam, another pointless war.

Boarding ready to jump in Lvov, Ukraine. Are they training those poor downtrodden Ukrainians or helping start World War III?


Greenie Promotes Paedophile Perversion As An Alternative Lifestyle
The Lunatic Fringe is performing again. It is mad, bad and dangerous to have anywhere near the reins of power.


Palestinians Want Israeli Footballers Banned
After FIFA agrees to discuss Palestinian Football Association's request to suspend Israel from league at May 29 congress, CEO and President of Israeli FA head to Switzerland to prevent move.
The Pals are on to something. It would annoy the Jews if nothing else. But FIFA will take the bribes or more bribes or even more bribes. FIFA could be in for millions. The Jews will win this one. The Main Stream Media will keep quiet about the whole thing. Pandering to Zionist crazies is their policy.


20 April 2015 On this day in 1889 Adolf Hitler was born at the Gasthof zum Pommer, Salzburger Vorstadt 15, Braunau am Inn, Austria. See Adolf Hitler, a Brief Biography. In 1968 Enoch Powell gave his Rivers of Blood speech and the Tories victory in spite of Heath.

SNP Prepared To Paralyse Armed Forces Unless Trident Is Scrapped
The SNP is prepared to paralyse Britain's armed forces and shut down government departments if Ed Miliband is Prime Minister, the party's deputy leader has suggested as Labour admitted for the first time that it is willing to do a deal with the nationalists.
The answer is entirely straightforward; prosecute SNP politicians for Treason. They are more Marxist than Miliband - or less cunning but then they are not Jews.


700 Illegal Immigrants Drown In Mediterranean - Italian Prime Minister Is All Broke Up
Italy’s prime minister called for an emergency European summit this week to deal with the deepening migrant crisis off its southern coast after as many as 700 men, women and children were feared to have drowned in a Mediterranean shipwreck.

With the crisis set to dominate a meeting of European Union foreign ministers in Luxembourg on Monday, Matteo Renzi said that concerted EU action had to be a priority after the latest tragedy 60 miles north of Libya in which a prodigiously overladen vessel capsized late on Saturday, leaving hundreds in the water.

UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon said governments worldwide should show solidarity and take in more refugees, adding he was “shocked and deeply saddened” by reports of the latest shipwreck.

Governments must not only improve rescue at sea but also “ensure the right to asylum [ Which right is that? - Editor ] of the growing number of people worldwide fleeing war who need refuge and safe haven”, Ban added.
700 fewer criminals will infiltrate Europe. Why is this a tragedy? Ask politicians to get treasonous answers. Ask honest men to get the truth. See Italians Revolting Against Third World Illegal Immigrants.  Blacks want out of Africa because it is run by blacks. Marxists told them that getting rid of us, of the White Man would make them happier, well ruled, prosperous. Marxists lied deliberately, with malice aforethought. Now Marxists want them inflicted on us in order to destroy Western Civilization. What do blacks do when they get into civilization? See the next few.


White man in critical condition after beating by pack of six black men on South Side

Black man arrested for murder in St. Stephen - beat elderly man of European origin to death with his oxygen tank

Prison Sentence for New Jersey ( Black ) Man Who Fled to Jamaica After Child Sex Assault

Man ( black) charged with rape, kidnapping after naked woman escapes apartment

Apartheid In South Africa Is Increasing
was the great evil when Jews were using it as a Propaganda weapon against White Men in
South Africa. Now that blacks are doing it to black incomers it has turned into Xenophobia, which is different, isn't it? Hint: NO! They are using it as an excuse to murder White Men but the Main Stream Media do a black out on that. Then of course there is gross Apartheid carried out by Zionist crazies in Israel. That gets blacked out as well.


Jew Bribed Police & Robbed Poor Holocaust® Survivors
Sefardi haredi ‘kabbalist’ to the stars Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto officially pleaded guilty in Tel Aviv District Court today to bribing a top Israel Police officer, Brigadier General Ephraim Bracha, Ha'aretz reported. The guilty plea was part of plea bargain that will likely see him serve only as much as one year in prison.

Pinto also agreed to testify that he bribed an even more senior police commander, Major General Menashe Arviv, the former head of Israel’s rough equivalent of the FBI, Lahav 433. Lahav 433 investigates national crimes and corruption.......... Pinto’s bribery was connected with a fraud and embezzlement at the Hazon Yeshaya charity Pinto’s associates ran and looted. Among the stolen resources of the charity were millions of dollars in food donations earmarked for elderly poor Holocaust survivors. Pinto allegedly benefitted from those thefts, although it is not clear if he directly participated in them.
Rabbis are what Jews use as priests, telling them how to run their lives. This is the kind of example they set.
Perverting The Course Of Justice is just part of the fun. Admitting his guilt just two days before Holocaust® Remembrance Day Mk II makes it more interesting for his victims, especially if they happen to be genuine.


19 April 2015

Apartheid In South Africa Is Increasing
was the great evil when Jews were using it as a Propaganda weapon against White Men in
South Africa. Now that blacks are doing it to black incomers it has turned into Xenophobia, which is different, isn't it? Hint: NO! They are using it as an excuse to murder White Men but the Main Stream Media do a black out on that. Then of course there is gross Apartheid carried out by Zionist crazies in Israel. That gets blacked out as well.


Muslim Illegal Immigrants Threw Christians Overboard
Italy's migration crisis took on a deadly new twist Thursday as police in Sicily reported that Muslim migrants had thrown 12 Christians overboard during a recent crossing from Libya, and an aid group said another 41 were feared drowned in a separate incident.
Cameron Claims Islam Is A Religion Of Peace but then Cameron is a liar. Illegal Immigrants have taken the point, more or less that they are victims of the Marxist subversives who told them that Decolonisation was going make Africa better.

Black Fool Drowns Proving That Stupidity Is Dangerous
It was on the first day of the summer holidays too. The last would have made more sense.

Islamic Terrorists Captured In Australia
Five teenagers in the Australian city of Melbourne have been arrested on suspicion of planning an Islamic State-inspired terrorist attack, to coincide with the centenary of the landings at Gallipoli during World War One.

Two hundred police were involved in months of surveillance of the gang, but police swooped on Saturday morning when they learnt an attack was imminent. It is believed they were planning to target police, and senior officials said that they found “edged weapons” including a sword and knife during the raids..........

The arrests emphasise Australia’s growing jihadist problem – despite its huge geographic distance from the battlefields of Syria and Iraq.
Australia's growing problem has a perfectly straightforward cause, importing enemy aliens. It is Ethnic Fouling, which merges smoothly into Genocide. It is being used by the Puppet Masters who manipulate politicians to destroy unity for the benefit of the Zionist crazies who control the Stolen Land. Oz has a Zionist Occupation Government [ ZOG ].

Teenager arrested on suspicion of murder after 18-year-old is stabbed to death in fight outside KFC restaurant
Teenager is Main Stream Media code for black. So is youth.
PS The headline is verbatim. Some honest headlines follow.

Black Duncan teenager is guilty of first-degree murder in (White) Australian's fatal shooting
Police Arrest 3rd (Black) Woman in Caught on Camera Beating at Olney Gas Station
Hispanic and 'Other' person arrested in (White) University of Kentucky student's slaying
7 (black) teens arrested in connection with attack at BP gas station
2 (black) adults, 2 juveniles in custody in High Point homicide of innocent (White) bystander

Crown Prosecution Service Concealed Truth About Janner In Order To Pervert The Course Of Justice
Lord Macdonald says ‘serious failing’ by prosecutors meant he was not told about case
The previous Director of Public Prosecutions choses to allege that the Crown Prosecution Service is guilty of Misconduct In Public Office. I chose to allege that I believe him. Janner was allowed to get away with Paedophile perversion because he is a Jew who wormed his way into The Establishment, exploiting the Holocaust® Racket.

Janner, The Jew Evidence Should Be Released Say His Victims
The Guardian
was privy to the cover up from the off. See I Saw Up Close How An Establishment Closed Ranks Over The Janner Affair

18 April 2015

Italians Revolting Against Third World Illegal Immigrants
Italians are in growing revolt against the number of migrants arriving on their shores, with more than 10,000 people rescued from the Mediterranean in the past week alone.

The huge influx of asylum seekers from the Middle East and Africa is putting an intolerable strain on a country that has been in recession for the past five years. Conservative politicians called this week for boatloads of refugees to be sent back to Libya, while the system of migrant reception centres is on the verge of collapse........

Conservative politicians say the policy of rescuing migrants at sea only encourages people trafficking by Libyan gangs.
A real revolt would involve lampposts & hangings. It is what they did for Benito Mussolini all those years ago. It works especially when it happens to politicians.

Third World Thugs Kicked Englishwoman To Death
The other one was 13 years old.

Criminals like this are imported by Treason with the enthusiastic approval of The Guardian.

Black Racists Murder People In South Africa
Police battled to contain a wave of violence in South Africa last night as gangs of migrants armed themselves with machetes to fight off anti-foreigner attacks by locals. Five people have died since vigilantes started looting and attacking shops owned by immigrants, mainly from other parts of Africa.........

In the past two weeks, shops and homes owned by Somalis, Ethiopians, Malawians and other migrants have been targeted, forcing more than 2,000 to flee to camps protected by armed guards........

Violence flared days after the [ Racist ] Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini said in remarks reported by local media that foreigners should 'take their bags and go'.
Blacks in South Africa murder black incomers & the Main Stream Media say nothing about Racism. When blacks murder White People the Media do a total blackout. See e.g. Genocide Looms For White Farmers.

American Imperialists Imposing Their Agenda On Other Countries Says Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin admitted on Thursday that the Soviet Union sought to force its will on Eastern Europe after the Second World War - but charged the United States with trying to do the same worldwide today.

Russia’s president put the allegation during his annual televised phone-in with citizens across the country, in which he urged national unity and predicted a recovery from economic crisis within two years...........

But he accused Washington of treating other states as “vassals” rather than potential allies, in an echo of his own country’s past.
Notice that Vlad "admitted", that Vlad "charged", Vlad "accused". The Telegraph, otherwise known as The Quislinggraph uses Words as Propaganda Tools while Vlad is telling the truth; some of it anyway. America is run by a Zionist Occupation Government [ ZOG ], much like the USSR.

Who controls the American navy? Zionist crazies!

Vaz Tried To Protect Janner
Keith Vaz, the senior Labour politician, praised Greville Janner as a “great survivor” as he and other MPs campaigned for a change in the law to protect him from child abuse accusations made in court.

Mr Vaz, currently the Labour candidate for Leicester East, which he has represented since 1987, said in 1991 that Lord Janner had been “the victim of a cowardly and wicked attack by people who simply did not care what damage they did to him or to anyone else”.
Ever since the Parliament's Expense Scandal we know that MPs are a light fingered bunch of rogues. This merely confirms that point. Janner got the benefit of a heavy weight cover up; but then he is a Jew working the Holocaust® Racket


17 April 2015 is the anniversary of the American false flag Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961

Canadian Diplomat's Son Charged With Murder In Florida
A Canadian diplomat’s teenage son accused of involvement in a drug-related shootout that killed his older brother in Florida has been charged with murder and will be tried as an adult.

A Miami-Dade County grand jury indicted 15-year-old Marc Wabafiyebazu on first-degree felony murder charges Wednesday........... Wabafiyebazu’s lawyer has said his client – whose mother is Roxanne Dubé, a long-time Canadian diplomat who recently became general consul in Miami – plans to plead not guilty to any charges in the case............

Investigators allege the brothers had gone to a home with the intention of stealing marijuana from a dealer. While the younger sibling waited with the car outside, the older teen went inside........

Police documents state Wabafiyebazu said he and his brother had pulled off similar drug-related rip-offs in Canada.
Black with previous, robbery went wrong. Sounds like a good case for death or LWOP [ life without parole ]. The mother [Canadian ] won't get many compliments on the choice of father [ black and stupid ] except from Marxists inciting
Ethnic Fouling In Canada; it is planned to move seamlessly on to Genocide.

The father can just barely speak English. It is a good moment to think about 14 Reasons To Deport Illegal Aliens

Janner, The Jew Wanted Man Prosecuted
“Former Labour MP Lord Janner, chairman of the Holocaust Educational Trust, said he would ask Home Secretary Jack Straw [ another Jew ]to investigate the allegations against Mr Kalejs. And he said that if there was sufficient evidence, Mr Kalejs should be prosecuted under war crimes legislation. If there was not enough evidence for a prosecution, the government should follow the example of the United States and Canada and deport him, he said. “They only do that if they are sufficiently satisfied that a person is guilty of war crimes. They don’t want him in their country. If that is correct, we don’t want him in our country either,” Lord Janner told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.”
Greville Janner is a Jew working the Holocaust® Racket; a stitch up used by Jews With Light Fingers To Take Germans For €63.2 Billion. Then there is the matter of why he was moved from the Commons to the Lords. It prevented honest men voting against him. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander? Not for Paedophile perverts if they are Jews & mates of Blair. He had the Chutzpah to talk about "our country". This from an enemy alien betraying Western Civilization.

Jew Murdered 13 Year Old Girl - Jews Lied About It
That more or less sums up the story of Zionist crazies in the Stolen Land that Jews call Israel. Source at The reporter Chris McGreal couldn't see the funny side of it.

16 April 2015 is Holocaust® Remembrance Day Mk II, the second of the year, when we recall that Jews running the Holocaust® Industry allege that naughty Adolf murdered 6 million of them. It is a very profitable business. We know that Jews With Light Fingers Took German Mugs For €63.2 Billion and still rising. It is all tax free too but the World Jewish Congress will not tell you about it; or about Israel Singer, the thief who boasted about personally extorting $20 BILLION from various mugs.
PS You might care to ask why it is a criminal offence in Germany to say that the Holocaust® Story is a pack of lies.

Rotherham Whitewash Working Well
A Doncaster child services boss, who came under fire for her role at Rotherham council during a time when widespread child sexual exploitation was taking place, has been cleared of any wrongdoing.

Jackie Wilson, who was responsible for safeguarding children in Rotherham between 2002-2007, has been cleared by an [ allegedly ] independent investigation of any personal responsibility for the failings of her former employer to tackle child sexual exploitation (CSE).

Following her time at Rotherham council Mrs. Wilson was employed as assistant director of children’s services at Doncaster council is now Director of Transformation at the newly-formed Doncaster Children’s Services Trust........

““It is the job of this Council and the Trust and the wider Children’s Safeguarding system to ensure that children’s social care services are the best they can be for all of our children and families.

Its principle finding, that Rotherham Council failed to protect 1,400 children from abuse, led to calls for local authorities to investigate staff mentioned in the report.
Wilson beat the rap in spite of helping the local police put the frighteners on Adele Gladman, a whistle blower who told the Truth. Labour corruption goes hand in hand with police crime. Why did the Main Stream Media do a news blackout? Why was it left to the local comic and Private Eye [ 1389 page 14 ]? Because they are corrupt Propaganda machines run by anti-English Racists.

Janner Beats Paedophile Perversion Charges For A Third Time
Lord Greville Janner will not face child sex abuse trial after Crown Prosecution Service 'mistakes' CPS admits Lord Janner should have been prosecuted over string of 'extremely serious' claims as police explore possible legal challenge and Labour suspend him

Lord Greville Janner, the veteran Labour Peer, should have faced multiple child sex abuse charges twice in the past, but avoided trial due to Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) mistakes, it has been revealed [ stated/claimed/alleged ].

The CPS admitted it had been wrong not to prosecute Lord Janner, first in 1991 and again in 2007, but said it would not be in the public interest to do so now as the 86-year-old was suffering from severe dementia.

Allegations against the former Labour MP date back to the late 1960s and refer to a children’s home in his Leicestershire constituency.
Blair let Janner off the hook first time round, sticking him the Lords so that the hot, sweaty peasant masses couldn't vote against him. Now he is working the ill health routine. That was how they kept Jimmy Savile out of prison. If there is enough evidence to charge him there was more, fresher evidence then. Believe their story if you want; not many will.
PS It is rather strange that the police aren't going along with The Establishment on this one. That part of it is not corruption as normal.
PPS The real reason why he was allowed to get away with buggering a lad is that he is Jew running the Holocaust® Racket

Ed Miliband Picks His Nose And Eats It
89% of Guido Fawkes' Readers Agree so it must be true, mustn't it? Vote Labour? Never! Try UKIP; they aren't as bent as the Tories.

16 April 2015 is Holocaust® Remembrance Day Mk II, the second of the year, when we recall that Jews running the Holocaust® Industry allege that naughty Adolf murdered 6 million of them. It is a very profitable business. We know that Jews With Light Fingers Took German Mugs For €63.2 Billion and still rising. It is all tax free too but the World Jewish Congress will not tell you about it; or about Israel Singer, the thief who boasted about personally extorting $20 BILLION from various mugs.
PS You might care to ask why it is a criminal offence in Germany to say that the Holocaust® Story is a pack of lies.

Rotherham Whitewash Working Well
A Doncaster child services boss, who came under fire for her role at Rotherham council during a time when widespread child sexual exploitation was taking place, has been cleared of any wrongdoing.

Jackie Wilson, who was responsible for safeguarding children in Rotherham between 2002-2007, has been cleared by an [ allegedly ] independent investigation of any personal responsibility for the failings of her former employer to tackle child sexual exploitation (CSE).

Following her time at Rotherham council Mrs. Wilson was employed as assistant director of children’s services at Doncaster council is now Director of Transformation at the newly-formed Doncaster Children’s Services Trust........

““It is the job of this Council and the Trust and the wider Children’s Safeguarding system to ensure that children’s social care services are the best they can be for all of our children and families.

Its principle finding, that Rotherham Council failed to protect 1,400 children from abuse, led to calls for local authorities to investigate staff mentioned in the report.
Wilson beat the rap in spite of helping the local police put the frighteners on Adele Gladman, a whistle blower who told the Truth. Labour corruption goes hand in hand with police crime. Why did the Main Stream Media do a news blackout? Why was it left to the local comic and Private Eye [ 1389 page 14 ]? Because they are corrupt Propaganda machines run by anti-English Racists.


Janner Beats Paedophile Perversion Charges For A Third Time
Lord Greville Janner will not face child sex abuse trial after Crown Prosecution Service 'mistakes' CPS admits Lord Janner should have been prosecuted over string of 'extremely serious' claims as police explore possible legal challenge and Labour suspend him

Lord Greville Janner, the veteran Labour Peer, should have faced multiple child sex abuse charges twice in the past, but avoided trial due to Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) mistakes, it has been revealed [ stated/claimed/alleged ].

The CPS admitted it had been wrong not to prosecute Lord Janner, first in 1991 and again in 2007, but said it would not be in the public interest to do so now as the 86-year-old was suffering from severe dementia.

Allegations against the former Labour MP date back to the late 1960s and refer to a children’s home in his Leicestershire constituency.
Blair let Janner off the hook first time round, sticking him the Lords so that the hot, sweaty peasant masses couldn't vote against him. Now he is working the ill health routine. That was how they kept Jimmy Savile out of prison. If there is enough evidence to charge him there was more, fresher evidence then. Believe their story if you want; not many will.
PS It is rather strange that the police aren't going along with The Establishment on this one. That part of it is not corruption as normal.
PPS The real reason why he was allowed to get away with buggering a lad is that he is Jew running the Holocaust® Racket


Ed Miliband Picks His Nose And Eats It
89% of Guido Fawkes' Readers Agree so it must be true, mustn't it? Vote Labour? Never! Try UKIP; they aren't as bent as the Tories.


15 April 2015

Vladimir Putin Helps Protect Iran Against Zionist Crazies
Yesterday the Russian president has repealed the ban prohibiting the delivery of S-300 missile air defense systems to Iran. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov commented on the decision, saying that Moscow’s voluntary embargo on S-300 deliveries was no longer necessary, due to the progress in Iran’s nuclear talks made in Lausanne.

The Israelis are in a state of panic. Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz commented yesterday that "Instead of demanding Iran put an end to the terrorism its instigates in the Mideast and around the world, it is being allowed to attain advanced arms which will only spur its aggressions.” 

Someone may want to remind Steinitz that it is actually the Jewish State that  terrorises the entire region with its nuclear arsenal and other repeated genocidal acts against the Palestinian people. However, it can be interesting to learn from Minister Steinitz how does he manage to see a threat in an ‘air defense system’?  I guess that the answer is simple.  The news about the S-300 interferes with the Israel’s lust to violence - the idea that a Muslim State can defend its sky is something the Israelis cannot cope with.
Jews are vicious Racists who like a stacked deck - when it is in their favour. This has evened the odds a bit.

It isn't pretty but as long as it works it will do.


Daily Mail Markets Holocaust® Story
After years of suffering behind its barbed wire fences, watching those they loved waste away before their eyes while Nazi guards systematically slaughtered them by the tens of thousands - this is the moment the inmates of Bergen-Belsen watched as the death camp was burned to the ground.

Steeped in human misery, these huts once contained the bodies of thousands of Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, Nazi opponents and the disabled, sent to an inhuman death by Adolf Hitler and his demented regime. Diarist Anne Frank, and her sister Margot, also died here.

Shortly after the camp was liberated by British and Canadian troops in 1945, it was torched, and at least part of that suffering was destroyed forever as the buildings, along with the Reichskriegs [ sic ] flag and Hitler portrait which adorned them, were consumed by flames.
Belsen was not a pretty place. It still isn't but it wasn't set up to murder Jews notwithstanding their claims. They whinge loud and long about their problems; it is all part of the Holocaust® Racket. Big money rides on it. They have taken German mugs for €63.2 Billion and rising, a wonderful tax free fraud. Jews keep very quiet about who ran the GULAG, the Soviet concentration camp system. Nor do they say much about the Concentration Camps In Israel, which they use to hold blacks.
PS The Daily Mail is running this story to help market  Holocaust® Remembrance Day Mk II. You might care to ask them why it is illegal to say that their Holocaust story is a pack of lies.


Jews Incite Genocide Again

The Times of Israel accidentally allowed its bigotry to hang out (again!) when it allowed a blog advocating for the extermination of the Palestinian people to be published. The backlash to the post has been quite severe — so severe that the person whose name was attached to the piece has spoken out, completely dismissing any association with the Times of Israel or the article in question.

“Jewish divine law makes it very clear: the ‘Palestinians’ not only have no right to any land, but the ‘Palestinians’ are not even human beings and thus have no right to even live at all,” read the piece, which was allegedly penned by Josh Bornstein [ a lawyer if you please - Editor ], the president of an Australia-based Jewish advocacy group. The author, describing Palestinians as “worthless subhuman beasts and vermin.” explained that, by even acknowledging “Palestinian land,” Netanyahu betrayed Israel.
Genocide is a Crime Against Humanity according to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court but international law does not apply to God's Chosen People; they matter too much. After this you just might wonder whether naughty Adolf was wrong about Jews. Is that why they give him such a bad press?


Jew Posed With Palestinian Woman For Photos Then Murdered Her
Murder is fun, isn't it? YES if you are a psychopath. Jews like pretending they are victims while being the perpetrators.


Jews Control America Says Haaretz
Beware: Republican Jews on the warpath
A campaign of intimidation is underway to stop Democratic lawmakers from skipping Netanyahu's upcoming Congress speech. God, save us from our Jews...................

In these very moments, the protocols [ those of The Learned Elders of Zion ]  are being rewritten. Rich Jews are writing them in their own handwriting. They, in their wealth, are confirming with their own signatures what anti-Semites used to slander them with in days gone by: We, the elders of Zion, pull the strings of Congress, and the congressmen are nothing but marionettes who do our will. If they don’t understand our words, they’ll understand our threats. And if in the past, we ran the show from behind the scenes, now we’re doing it openly, from center stage. And if you forget our donations, the wellspring will run dry.
Haaretz, the sometime teller of truth about Israel says that rich Zionist crazies are the Puppet Masters who bribe politicians in America. Who caused the invasions of Afghanistan & Iraq? In whose interest? Not ours, that's for sure. Was Adolf wrong about them?


14 April 2015

Pakistani Drunkard Killed Beautiful Welsh Girl
 He was full of cocaine, driving a bent motor. Hanging would be a good answer. Flogging first would be an improvement. Ditto for the traitors of Her Majesty's Government who imported him and his.

It is a wicked waste.


Pakistani Terrorist Arrives In England
Pakistani criminal nicked. He was born in England of Third World aliens imported by the Treason of Her Majesty's Government. Will he be charged under the Foreign Enlistment Act 1870? No because the Crown Prosecution Service is corrupt. It Perverts The Course Of Justice for the benefit of Third World aliens.


Pakistani Pervert Tried It On With 12 Year Olds
A restaurant boss is facing a lengthy jail sentence after he became the last of a string of men to be convicted of child sex offences against girls in Peterborough.

Mohammed Khubaib, originally from Pakistan, befriended girls and then ‘hooked’ them with alcohol - normally vodka - in an attempt to make them ‘compliant’ to sexual advances.

The 43-year-old married businessman, who lived in the city with his wife and children, would pursue his interest ‘away from his home and family’, using his restaurant as a ‘focal point’.
So now we know that Peterborough is a den of iniquity, even a nest of vipers like unto Rotherham. The other perpetrators are Muhammed Waqas [ 3 years ], Zdeno Mirga [ 16 years ],Hassan Abdulla [ 20 years ], Renato Balog [ 12 years ], Jan Kandrac [ five-and-a-half years ], Yasir Ali [ 20 years ], Daaim Ashraf [ 12 years ] & Mohammed Abbas[ 12 years ]. The judges seem to have taken the point.
PS Our wonderful police there were ignoring crime, just like the Rotherham lot until the publicity stirred them into doing their job.


Spain Granting Citizenship to 2 Million Jews
Spain wants to make amends for expelling Jews from the country in 1492

Exactly 523 years ago on Tuesday, the Edict of Expulsion, which forced Spain’s Jewish community to convert to Catholicism or leave the country, was issued by monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella. It may have taken more than half a millennia [ sic - try millennium ], but Madrid is finally about to make amends for kicking out the Jews by offering citizenship to the estimated 2.2 million descendants of those expelled.

The Sephardic Ancestry Bill is expected to be approved in May by Spain’s upper house of parliament, the Senate. The bill is not expected to become law until the end of the year, but already, the Spanish embassy in Tel Aviv has been inundated by requests from those who are eager to get Spanish citizenship and the access to European Union countries it entails.
Jews in the Stolen Land want European passports for their escape kits because Arabs hate them with total sincerity. Jews murder anther couple of thousand from time to time to make sure the hatred never  dies. I doubt that many will be silly enough to live in Spain when they have the run of Europe.


13 April 2015

Prescott Says Blair's Bloody Crusades Radicalised Muslims
Prescott is a fat oaf but he is right. Now that he is finished in politics he can afford to tell the truth. Blair is a psychopath prepared to murder millions - if the price is right. Who paid him? Zionist crazies.


Racist Jews Incite Mass Murder
Rabbis like killing people. Rabbis regard us as Untermenschen; that is the Nazi term for subhumans. In fact Nazis are nicer than Jews. The full report is at How To Kill Goyim And Influence People. Leading fundamentalist rabbis gather in Israel to defend the publication of a book, Torat Ha'Melech, that alleges justification for the killing of non-Jews, including innocent children and families. The gathering exposed not only the ferocious racism of a swathe of Israel's pro-settlement rabbinate.


Jews Pretend They Are White In Order To Infiltrate Civilization
It’s been noted previously at TOO [ The Occidental Observer ] that Jews are happy to be considered White when they benefit from it. Historically, Jewish efforts at crypsis [ concealment ] and gaining acceptance among Whites were pursued in order to obtain significant political, social, educational, and economic benefits.[1] .........

Aside from alterations to outward appearance and behavior, prior to emancipation the Jews of Europe often saw conversion to Christianity as a meal-ticket to mass acceptance, and with it admission to the franchise, political office and commercial opportunities. These “conversions of convenience” were hardly sincere, but were sufficient for Whites to admit Jews into the ranks of their society. A major part of the Jewish evolutionary strategy is therefore the penetration of White society, assisted by the adoption of the outward appearance of conforming to White norms, thereby enabling the untroubled transfer of resources from Whites to the cryptic Jewish population.
Jews have an objective, world domination just like naughty Adolf. That is why they worm their way into positions of power using bribery, blackmail and cunning. Then sometimes it all goes wrong. The King had the good sense to kick them out of England in 1290. See e.g. 16,000 Jews are expelled. It is all explained by the Jew, Benjamin Ginsberg in
Fatal Embrace.
PS Read about the 400,000 poor White South Africans who are victims of Apartheid now. This comes from the BBC, the well known Marxist propaganda machine, telling the truth for once.


12 April 2015 is Greek Orthodox Easter which celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus Christ & the hanging of Judas Iscariot.

American Government Threatens Iran Again
Zionist crazies
want Americans to invade Iran for them. They fooled Americans into invading Iraq using lies about WMD. They used Blair to send the British Army on the same fool's errand. The fact that tribes are fighting each other in the Yemen is an excuse, which might deceive a five year old. America is run by a Zionist Occupation Government [ ZOG ], just like England.
PS If the prisoner had been black The Guardian would have gone into overdrive.


American Police Give Prisoner A Good Kicking
In the two minutes after the man was stunned with a Taser, it appeared deputies kicked him 17 times, punched him 37 times and struck him with batons four times. Thirteen blows appeared to be to the head. The horse stood idly nearby.

The man did not appear to move from his position lying on the ground for more than 45 minutes. He did not appear to receive medical attention while deputies stood around him during that time.
They didn't realise that it was a news helicopter filming them. Otherwise they would have done it later.
PS If the prisoner had been black The Guardian would have gone into overdrive.


Pakistani Terrorist Coming Back To England
Another criminal born in England of Third World aliens imported by the Treason of Her Majesty's Government. It is Ethnic Fouling of the sort being perpetrated in America, CanadaFrance, Holland, Ireland as well as England & the rest of Western Civilization. These alleged Brits are enemy in breach of the Foreign Enlistment Act 1870  but the Crown Prosecution Service will let them get away with it, thus Perverting The Course Of Justice.


11 April 2015

Labour Candidate Abuses Simpletons And Racists Who Fly English Flags
Another ghastly Marxist oaf proves Treasonous intent while inciting crime. Notice that he is not saying anything about Welsh flags but then he is standing in Wales. No doubt he will be just as keen as the rest on importing foreign undesirables. See e.g. the next two.


Pakistani Thief Makes FBI Most Wanted List
A British-born businessman has been placed on the FBI's Most Wanted list over claims he conducted a multi-million pound luxury car scam.

Afzal Khan is accused of conning a string of customers and financial firms at a motor dealership he ran in the US. Federal agents hunting the 32-year-old, originally from Edinburgh [ The one near Lahore ], fear he may have fled the country and have offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to his arrest.
Import thieves then look surprised when they carry on where they left off.


Black Lord Murdered Idle Tenant
Import vicious criminals, get aggravation. Of course politicians want cheap labour and corrupt voting. We suffer the consequences, not them.


10 April 2015

UKIP Support Waning - Tories Leading

This is not good news. The Liberals lost power because they were corrupt. Their modern renaissance proved that they have learned nothing. UKIP might have made the Tories act honestly; not something they like. Divide and conquer is working. The Scottish National Party is another bunch of Marxists who will leverage Labour to the left.


Major Oil Field Found In Sussex
The exploration company UK Oil & Gas Investments claims that it has made a significant oil find close to Gatwick Airport in West Sussex.

The company, which is chaired by entrepreneur David Lenigas, announced that analysis conducted on the site means that the well could yield up to 158 million barrels of oil per square mile. The company's licenses cover 55 square miles of the Weald Basin, a region spanning Kent, Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire.

This suggests that the site could hold over 8.6 billion barrels of oil - just under a fifth of the amount that has been pumped out of the North Sea in the past 40 years.

At the current oil price of around $58 a barrel, the amount of oil UK Oil & Gas Investments claims is lying under the West Sussex countryside would be worth just under $500bn, or £336bn. However, the company cautioned that it may only be able to extract a fraction of those reserves from the site.

A number of industry experts have expressed scepticism about the size of the discovery.

Stephen Sanderson........... added: "Appraisal drilling and well testing will be required to prove its commerciality, but this 'Weald hybrid play' has the potential for significant daily oil production".
This is good news for England. People in the area will not be pleased. NIMBY is the watchword. They might even say SNAFU.
PS Notice that Daily Mail alleges that the oil firm claims. Does the paper know better?


9 April 2015 On this day in 1948 Jews perpetrated the Deir Yassin Massacre in Palestine, murdering about 110 Palestinian civilians. The Wikipedia lies about it. See But it was useful in the process of Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine, which the Wiki calls the Palestinian Exodus. It was a part of the Genocide that the Jews' army was carrying on  the time. Deir Yassin - History of the Massacre is likely to be a more honest source. Deir Yassin can be seen from the exit of Yad Vashem, the head quarters of the Holocaust® Industry in the Stolen Land.

Israel - Lying Abroad For Your Country
Comment: By failing to analyse and understand the rationale behind Israel's propaganda, Western media is complicit in its lies.

The 16th and 17th century English author and diplomat Henry Wotton described an ambassador as someone "sent abroad to lie for his country". Nowadays, the principle of "lying abroad" enables Israel to hammer home its message and drown out that of the Palestinians throughout Western media.

It is not surprising that nations use propaganda to cover up their sins. What is surprising is that so-called intelligent, informed journalists report Israel's fabricated stories time and again, and rarely dig deeper.......

Well, there is a difference between not telling the whole truth and telling blatant lies. Blatant "black is white" lies by a British or US spokesperson would be quickly revealed for what they are by a free and assiduous press......

Akiva Eldar, an Israeli journalist, also wrote: "In Israel, lying has become the norm among the army, the legal establishment and the diplomatic corps. Lying has become a way of life for commanders and soldiers, lawyers and clerks, most of whose views are far from being right-wing, and who loathe the occupation."......

Like the media, these people all fail to spot - or choose to ignore - that all of Israel's accounts of its actions aim to deceive. It is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of anyone who might otherwise believe the Palestinian arguments for justice, freedom and an end to persecution.
Gilad Atzmon, a Jew relays a view. He does not make the point that Zionist crazies with an agenda have infiltrated the Main Stream Media where they have not simply bought it but it is the truth. They are the Enemy Within. England has a Zionist Occupation Government [ ZOG ].


Labour Reverses Non-Dom Policy
Rich foreigners living here don't pay tax on overseas income because they are 'non-domiciled'. Labour went along with the Capitalist Swine. Now the election looms and the politics of envy take over. Of course if Red Ed,, another capitalist BTW does try to screw them they will discover 10 Reasons To Re-Non-Domicile In Ireland
PS The Guardian, the newspaper that tells all good Marxists what their opinions are has its assets safely offshore. See  Guardian Loves Tax Evasion


White Police Officer Charged With Murder Of Unarmed Black Motorist
That is The Telegraph's head line verbatim. The Quislinggraph is a Racist propaganda machine inciting
Black Hate
& White Guilt. Does it tell the truth? Not a chance. Hiding it is policy. Proof? See the next few.


Police Match DNA, Charge (Black) Man In Brutal Rape & Assault Of (White) 81-Year-Old Woman

U.S. Supreme Court denies Texas death row appeal to black that raped and murdered a 93-year-old White woman

On July 9, 2005, then 21-year-old Black Clifton Lamar Williams broke into the home of a 93-year-old woman

Black Man Charged With Murdering Woman, Burying Her in Shallow Grave

Victims’ families thankful black arrested for Petersburg motel murders of White woman and White man

Caught On Camera: Black Man Carjacks White Woman At Knifepoint 

Black Arrested In 12-Year-Old Murder Case

Lawyers say Michael Jackson paid $200M in hush money to ‘victims’

Black Arrested for Murder of (White) East Columbus Woman Found in Burned Apartment


8 April 2015

Blair Says We Can't Be Trusted With EU Decision
Tony Blair: public can't be trusted to make 'sensible choice' on EU"

Whilst normally I might like to try and form a reasoned argument as to why this statement is just so wrong, all you can really say in response to this fake, pocket lining, war-mongering, champagne socialist ..who tried to buy his way into the EU Presidency with our money.. is 'arrogant tosser'. And why. oh why, is this man not rotting in a jail somewhere.

Got anywhere with that Chilcot Inquiry report, that's already taken longer than WW2, yet?
Some one else is not amused by an insolent, corrupt, conniving, thieving War Criminal on the make.


Jews Are Paedophile Perverts Concealing Crime
Daniel Eidensohn indulged in another selective leak on April Fools Day to claim all is well in the seminaries. This is part of his continuing effort in partnership with Rabbi Chaim Malinowitz to undo the harm to the seminaries’ reputation from the earlier Chicago Special Beis Din (CBD) rulings that Elimelech Meisels sexually assaulted students at seminaries he owned, and worse, that other staff ignored open flirtation, obvious grooming, late night solo excursions with students, and even complaints by parents of sexual assaults.
Jews use their power in the Main Stream Media as well as Mesirah, their code of silence. It is what the Mafia calls Omerta. It is how they Pervert the course of justice.
PS Don't forget that Jews Rape Children In Bathhouses. Half of their boys get buggered. The rest run faster. Then the Main Stream Media complain about Catholic priests alleged to be doing the same.


7 April 2015

Pakistani Criminals Go To War
The teenage brother of Britain’s youngest convicted terrorist is thought to have fled to Syria in an attempt to reach Islamic State fighters, it emerged last night.

Hassan Munshi, 17, and a close friend are believed to have vanished from the West Yorkshire town of Dewsbury last week, becoming the latest young British Muslims to have left their homes and families for the jihadist insurgency.  

His brother, Hammaad Munshi, was 15 when he was arrested by counterterrorism police in 2006 and later convicted over his role in a plot to murder non-Muslims.
Importing Third World aliens is Her Majesty's Government policy. It is Ethnic Fouling of the sort being perpetrated in America, CanadaFrance, Holland, Ireland as well as England & the rest of Western Civilization. These Brits on the books are proving their vicious natures, their willingness to help destroy England. They are criminals in breach of the Foreign Enlistment Act 1870  but the Crown Prosecution Service will let them get away with it, thus Perverting The Course Of Justice.


Blair Tells People To Vote Labour
Tony Blair joins the election campaign fight today with a direct attack on David Cameron's plans to give the British people a say on the European Union.

The former Labour Prime Minister will put aside policy disputes with Ed Miliband to give a speech warning that attempts to appease right-wing Conservatives and UKIP risks taking the UK towards the EU exit door.
Blair is a shit on the make, an enemy of England, psychopath &A War Criminal On The Run. He was another who wanted us in the Euro. We can see just how badly that is going. Believe him? Not me, not ever.


Greece Will Pay IMF Debt - Allegedly
Greece's finance minister has reassured [ make that assured - Editor ] the International Monetary Fund [ IMF ] his government will make a key debt repayment this week after meeting with chief Christine Lagarde in Washington.....

Greece's growing insolvency problems have raised fears the country would become the first developed nation to ever fall into an arrears process with the IMF.

"I reiterated that the Fund remains committed to work together with the authorities to help Greece return to a sustainable path of growth and employment," said Ms. Lagarde in a statement.
Lagarde is bluffing. She says nothing about subsequent payments. Of course billions have been stolen. The thieves' faces fit. The money is gone forever. The little people get screwed, another SNAFU.


6 April 2015

Cameron's Defence Cuts Are Dangerous Says American Diplomat
One of America’s leading diplomats has said he finds cuts to British defence spending “extremely troubling” and has called on the next government to spend two per cent of GDP on the military.

John Bolton, the former US ambassador to the UN and a leading Republican spokesman on foreign affairs, said any further cuts in defence spending would make Britain “far more vulnerable militarily” and send a signal to potential enemies that “there is a diminished will in the West to defend itself”.
Bolton is dangerous; he is at best one of Lenin's Useful Idiots & a front man for the Zionist crazies who run Israel but he is right about this. Of course he has rather less to say about the armies of Islamic thugs being imported into Western Civilization by Treason. That would give his game away.


5 April 2015 is Easter Sunday when we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Pakistani Extremists Have 30 Candidates In May Election
A front group for Muslim extremists which wants to let British Muslims fight in Syria has boasted that it is “negotiating with the Tory and Labour leadership” to secure some of its demands.

Muslim Engagement and Development (Mend) has built links with both parties – and been chosen as an “official partner” by the Electoral Commission for May’s poll – after claiming to promote “democratic engagement” by Muslims. However, it is actually a facade to win political access and influence for individuals holding extreme, bigoted and anti-democratic views.

Labour’s shadow equalities minister and vice-chair of its national policy forum, Kate Green, spoke at a Mend event last Friday addressed by a man, Abu Eesa Niamatullah, who has called British people “animals,” demanded that women should not work, attacked democracy and said that “the Creator is the one who should decide what the laws should be.” Baroness Warsi, the former Tory chairman, also spoke at the event........

One Tory candidate in a winnable seat was repeatedly approached by a well-known Muslim figure offering large sums of money  [ i.e. bribes - Editor ] for his campaign if he signed up to Mend’s “Muslim manifesto.” The manifesto was launched last month at an event in Parliament attended by at least ten Labour and Conservative MPs, though there is no evidence any of them were paid by Mend. Lynton Crosby, the Conservative campaign director, has attended Mend events.

Mend’s director of engagement, Azad Ali, is an extremist who has supported the killing of British troops, praised the al-Qaeda ideologue Anwar al-Awlaki and said that “democracy, if it means at the expense of not implementing the Sharia, of course no-one agrees with that.”

Mend is holding a series of events this weekend with other extremist, anti-democratic speakers and has close links to the pro-terrorist lobby group CAGE. [ Run by enemy aliens but sound on American evil - Editor ]

In a talk seen by the Telegraph at the Zakariyya Central Mosque in Bolton, Mr. Ismail said a strong performance by the group’s chosen candidates could make it easier for British citizens to fight in Syria.

“David Cameron recently said that British Jews fighting for the IDF [Israeli army] will not be prosecuted,” Mr. Ismail said. [ An unverified allegation - Editor ]..........

Mr. Ismail, a tax avoidance millionaire worth a reported £65 million, told the Bolton meeting how the group had organised to “batter the Israeli lobby” in the Commons.

“The Muslim vote is worth ten ordinary votes because… we are heavily concentrated in a few areas,” he said. [ Then there is their big time Vote Rigging - Editor ]. “Anybody who can give any one party 10, 20, 30 seats, like we can, they have to listen to you.”
Her Majesty's Government imports enemy aliens as a matter of policy with the wholehearted collusion of Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition. Now we see the fruits of their Treason. Going to war with other states is crime under the Foreign Enlistment Act 1870  but our wonderful government lets Islamics get away with it.
PS This comes from Andrew Gilligan who covered the David Kelly murder.

A supercilious rogue, don't you think?


Cameron Setting Up Pakistani As The Next Prime Minister
Muslim communities in parts of Britain have a 'cultural problem' where they view women as commodities to be abused, according to the Culture Secretary. Sajid Javid declared some values prevalent in certain Asian communities were 'totally unacceptable in British society'.

His comments come after inquiries into the sexual abuse of vulnerable girls targeted by Asian [ Pakistani in fact - Editor ] men in Rochdale, Rotherham and Oxford found that the authorities had failed to protect them. 

Mr. Javid told the Daily Telegraph a 'misplaced sense of political correctness' prevented police and social workers from properly investigating claims of abuse.
The 'misplaced sense' translated into a determination to Pervert The Course Of Justice for the benefit of
Third World criminals. It was also anti-English Racism & Misconduct In Public Office. Recall that Cameron wants England Run By A Pakistani. In Cameron's case it is also Treason, a blatant breach of his Oath of loyalty.
PS His other candidate is out of the running - see Cameron's Candidate Is A Pakistani Racist Inciting Crime To Win Votes


4 April 2015

Spitfire Footage Surfaces
An American pilot flying reconnaissance over Germany was filmed. Really very good.


Undercover Police Shows The Truth
Idle, corrupt, inefficient, overpaid, AWOL, watching hardcore pornography, ignoring rape victims. That is just what Channel 4 says about them. Then there is Perjury & Perverting The Course Of Justice. You can see just how they ignored Rape when they couldn't be bothered.
PS The spy they used, an ex-policewoman has swallowed the Feminism propaganda.


Argies Suing For Falkland Oil
One problem for little Miss Kirchner is that she will have to pay the lawyers. Trying to cheat them would be a problem. She also needs to stay out of prison by beating the fraud raps. Argies have a track record of defaulting on their debts but then they are fundamentally south European. There is also the question of justice. An assessment is at Argies Threaten Falklands In Desperation Move.


Greeks Setting Up A Default
Greeks are on the ball when it comes to lending money. Spending it is fun. Paying back is different. They are just like the Argies. Bilking Europe is one thing. Doing to the IMF is another. One advantage is that there aren't so many rogues telling us that we need to use the Euro. They have moved onto the next boondoggle.


Liberals Protected Cyril Smith By Bribery - Allegedly
As we sat taking tea in a hotel bar in Manchester, Julie, a widow in her 60s, pointed at the old and fading photographs in an album.

There, looking at the camera, was the innocent face of a 14-year-old boy. There too, looming large in the lens, was a beaming Cyril Smith, the rotund — and now notorious — Liberal MP............ For as we shall see, when Julie and her husband complained to Liberal officials, they were offered a bribe to keep quiet.

Any self-respecting party would have instantly put a stop to Smith’s predatory paedophile practices. But yet again in this still-unravelling horror story, a blind eye was turned...........

Victims were ignored and warned off. Police investigations were halted on orders from above. Files disappeared. We may as yet have glimpsed no more than the tip of the iceberg in a far-reaching scandal over many decades.
Simon Danczuk puts the boot in. Voters will decide to vote for him or against the Liberals.


3 April 2015 The Jews celebrate their Passover tomorrow so guard your children against being murdered for their blood like Saint Simon of Trent. See Blood Libel for the evidence. If  you are a Jew read Surviving Passover - Jewish Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse or Survivors' Haggadah. On this day in 1917 Lenin arrived at the Finland Station to take over the Bolshevik Revolution

Someone who knows explosives did this on the anniversary. 

Blair Colluding With Other Criminals In Mongolia
Tony Blair has been dragged into a bitter row in Mongolia over plans for gold mining in a region where the elaborate ancient graves of Attila the Hun's warrior ancestors are located.

The former premier made an unannounced visit to Ulaanbaatar last month in his capacity as a consultant to the cash-strapped government, which is dogged by allegations of endemic corruption.

He met new Mongolian prime minister Chimed Saikhanbileg but the secrecy surrounding his trip stoked fears from ecologists and the opposition that he is being deployed to encourage Western investment to the country to massively increase gold, copper and coal mining, despite acute environmental worries.
Understanding Blair is easy; just follow the money. He wanted power. He got the power. Now it's the pay off. It's megabucks every time. The trail of corpses left in his wake? Who cares? Not him. Iraq is a long way off. He conspired with Obama, the torturer of GITMO.


Pakistani Terrorist From Rochdale Captured In Turkey
The leader of a family of nine caught trying to get into lawless Syria was revealed last night to be the son of a respected Labour councillor.

Waheed Ahmed, 21, was arrested with eight relatives – including four children – in a remote Turkish border town. The politics undergraduate is the son of a local politician photographed with Labour leader Ed Miliband just weeks ago.........

Shakil Ahmed, 45, spoke of his shock after being told that his son is suspected of being a militant Islamist.
The Labour councillor had no idea that his son is an Islamic fanatic. He didn't know anything about the 1,400 English girls being raped in Rotherham either. But then he is in Rochdale, which is also full of Pakistani Perverts. Of course this 'Brit' is just one of the thousands of enemy aliens who have gone to war against civilization.
PS Take it that Ahmed will be protected because he is a Third World alien & the police are anti-English Racists pandering to corrupt politicians.
PPS Ahmed is in breach of the Foreign Enlistment Act 1870 but he will be allowed to get away with it. Corruption as normal.


Pakistani Thieves Stole £66 Thousand By Dole Fraud
A couple pocketed £66,000 in a benefits scam by pretending to be landlord and tenant - despite having three children together.

Sikander Rafiq, 34, and Samara Jabreen, 32, lied to Birmingham City Council about their relationship in a scam spanning an eight year period. The couple, from Ward End, Birmingham, claimed £66,268 housing benefit, council tax benefit and income support.
They walked free & laughing up their sleeves. The message from the judge is clear. If you are going to be a thief get a Pakistani passport and a tin of boot polish.


2 April 2015 In 1982 it was the first day of the Falkland War. The Argies  didn't last. Had they held out a bit longer our ammo would have run out and they would have gotten away with it.  Their invasion was meant to be a distraction from political incompetence in Argentina. See also Falklands War ex Wiki

Français De Souche ex Wiki

Français de souche = real French as distinct from Français de papier, alien with a bit of paper - allegedly French.
Nous sommes tes ancêstres crétin = We are your ancestors, cretin. They lie.
Les étranger dehors = You are strangers from without. 
The French feel they can get along very nicely without North African Barbarians.


Islamic Enemies Training In Wales

These thugs were imported by Her Majesty's Government & by Treason.


Oil And Gas Discovered Off Falkland Islands
It has been there a long time waiting. It has been long known too. It is why the Argies want Falklands; it is not just a distraction from their own thieving & other goings on.


News Suppression Becomes History Suppression
Jews pervert the news. Jews pervert history. Jews pervert politicians. Jews rob us. An historian more usually of the Left explains; saying that Alison Weir of If Americans Knew is telling the truth about Israel.


1 April 2015

Nigel Farage Says Immigrants Make Streets Dangerous
Britons are so ill at ease with levels of immigration in their towns that their children do not play football with their neighbours in the streets, Nigel Farage has said.

The UK Independence Party leader said people in eastern England felt a “deep level of discomfort” about the millions of immigrants who have settled in the UK in the past decade.

Unveiling an election poster in the shadow of the white cliffs of Dover, Mr. Farage said leaving Europe would cut net migration from 300,000 to just 30,000 a year by 2018.
The real problem is the flood of Third World ethnic being inflicted on us by Her Majesty's Government with the whole hearted collusion of Her Allegedly Loyal Opposition. It is Treason. It is Ethnic Fouling. It is Genocide but Nigel Farage knows that. What will he do about it? Not a lot. He is less bad than smarmy crooks like Cameron.


Illegal Immigrants Live In Filth

They are all coming to live with us in England, at our expense. Aren't we lucky? Hint: NO!


Jews Want Blacks Out Of Israel
Israel is set to force illegal African migrants to choose between leaving to a “safe third-party” country in Africa or face imprisonment, the interior ministry said.

A statement from the ministry's population and immigration authority said the measure would apply to migrants currently at the southern Holot detention centre, “who infiltrated Israel and cannot be expelled to their country of origin”. There are currently around 2 000 African migrants at Holot out of an estimated 42,000 in Israel.................

Most African migrants in Israel reside in impoverished areas in southern Tel Aviv, where their presence has triggered protests from veteran residents.
So Jews don't like blacks. Jews are grossly Racist. That is why they have Concentration Camps In Israel albeit they are not known to have gas chambers. Jews in South Africa claimed that Apartheid was very bad, very Racist. In Israel it is different. Jews in England claim that Multiculturalism is very good for us. Jews are vicious racist liars intent on destroying England by Ethnic Fouling, by Genocide.


Anonymous Threatens Israel With An Electronic Holocaust® In Response To Its War Crimes
The cyber activist group Anonymous has issued a chilling video statement threatening Israel with an 'electronic Holocaust' in response to what it calls 'crimes in the Palestinian territories'. 

The clip is edited in the style of a television news report and features a masked and suited individual sitting behind a desk and reading from a pre-prepared script as he declares plans for a massive cyber attack on April 7 - one week before Holocaust® Remembrance Day.

Declaring Palestinians youths a 'symbol of freedom', Anonymous says it will take down 'servers, government websites, Israeli military websites, and Israeli institutions' in a move that will 'erase [Israel] from cyberspace in our electronic Holocaust'.
The 'Daily Mail' tells us about an 'electronic Holocaust®' using 'inverted commas'. The Jews have no hesitation when it comes to 'terrorism', 'The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine', 'illegal wars' against Gaza, 'Torture' etcetera. The 'masked individual' is V, the hero of V for Vendetta, recommended viewing for those who hate evil.

It will be a tough target. I wish them well.


Four Pakistanis Arrested After Rape Of Old Nun
They should have done it in Rotherham. Then the police would have protected them.


31 March 2015 Spain ordered Jews to become Christian or go - see 31 March, 1492 • Ferdinand and Isabella's Edict Against Spanish Jews. Another of the 109 Places Jews Have Been Expelled from

I was brought up with lies all the time . . . that's how you got along. . . . I have lied my entire life
Monica Lewinsky [ a Jew ] Explains All In
The Quote of the Century

Judge The 2010 Gold G-String Award In New Orleans
This is a rare opportunity to exercise your skill and judgment. Have you got what it takes? NB It may not qualify for the Job Seekers' Allowance. See Stormy Daniels, a past winner and think for yourself.


Jewish Pimp Pleading Guilty In Spitzer Case
An Israeli man [ the Jew, Mark Brener ] accused of running an escort service that brought down New York governor Eliot Spitzer in March was set to plead guilty on Thursday afternoon to money laundering, prostitution and conspiracy, according to his lawyer......... "It does appear that there's a continuing investigation," noted criminal defence attorney Gerald Shargel told WCBS-TV. "The manner in which the investigation is being conducted strongly suggests that Gov. Spitzer is a target."
You have to admit that he dealt in quality, albeit there is no kindness in her face. You might also wonder why Spitzer got fingered while the rest of her clients walked away. Spitzer did annoy Bush as well as other rich criminals. See Eliot Spitzer Was Screwed for more on this one.

This is not one of the 18 known pictures of her at Kristen the definitive gallery so she'll just have to do until one comes along.

Today's Girl
Is for light relief.


Her Majesty's Prime Minister Picks His Nose In Parliament
The man is a plebeian oaf and a spendthrift swine to boot. The poor Queen has to deal with the man. Does he wash his hands first? See it in glorious Technicolor® if you have the stomach for it. Then watch him clean his fingers on his tie.


More at 2015

Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 07/01/2013 22:07