Politics In Italy

Italy has a reputation for corruption, crime, treachery, fine art & a love of good living; one that has taken centuries to achieve. Its latest and greatest exponent was naughty little Silvio Berlusconi, its prime minister until 2006. The latest prime minister is Matteo Renzi until he made the mistake of calling the Italian Constitutional Referendum, 2016 and losing big time on 4 December 2016. The next one will be Beppe Grillo, the leader of Five Star Movement and comedian. This has caused a major irritation for The Establishment.

Renzi was one of theirs; a major success too. He incited hundreds of thousands of Third World parasites to flood into Italy then onwards to spread their Diseases & crime throughout the rest of the European Union.

Silvio Berlusconi 
Silvio Berlusconi
had lotsa fun. Silvio cheated, Silvio lied, Silvio beat the rape raps. Good luck or good management? Whatever! Silvio come back; all is forgiven. You kept the Third World hordes at bay by getting the boss of Libya to stop them sailing to Italy, to civilization. it was the Moral Cretins who came after you that fouled things up.
PS Silvio is a test of Morals, yours that is. Are you amused, outraged or envious?


Matteo Renzi ex Wiki
Matteo Renzi;
born 11 January 1975) is an Italian politician who has been the Prime Minister of Italy since 22 February 2014.[1][2] Renzi stated that he planned to resign after a failed attempt at changing the country's constitution on 5 December 2016; however, his resignation will not take effect until President Sergio Mattarella appoints a successor as Prime Minister. He was President of the Province of Florence from 2004 to 2009 and Mayor of Florence from 2009 to 2014.[3][4] Ideologically, he is often characterised as a centrist.

At the age of 39 years and 42 days upon assuming office, Renzi became the youngest Italian Prime Minister, 52 days younger than Benito Mussolini, who took office in 1922. He is also the first serving Mayor to become Prime Minister. Now the youngest leader in the G7, Renzi has been described as the de facto leader of the Party of European Socialists, in opposition to Angela Merkel's People's Party; the two leaders are together often referred to as Merkenzi.[5][6][7] In 2014 he was ranked as the third most influential person under 40 in the world by the American magazine Fortune, and listed as one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers by Foreign Policy.[8][9] Moreover, Renzi is nicknamed Il Rottamatore (The Scrapper) due to his ambition of renovating the Italian political establishment.[10]

Since coming to office, Renzi's Government has implemented numerous reforms, including changes to the electoral system, a relaxation of labour and employment laws with the intention of boosting economic growth, a deep reformation of the public administration, the simplification of the civil trial, the introduction of same-sex civil unions, and the abolition of many small taxes.[11][12]

Renzi announced his resignation as Prime Minister on 5 December 2016, following the defeat of the 2016 Italian constitutional referendum. He is expected to remain the leader of the Democratic Party.[13][14]


Beppe Grillo ex Wiki
Giuseppe Piero "Beppe" Grillo (born 21 July 1948) is an Italian comedian, actor, blogger and political activist. He has been involved in politics since 2009 as the founder of the Italian Five Star Movement political party.


Five Star Movement 
The Five Star Movement (Movimento 5 Stelle, M5S) is an Italian political party launched by Beppe Grillo, a popular activist, comedian and blogger, and Gianroberto Casaleggio on 4 October 2009.[5][6][7] The party is populist,[8][9][10] ecologist,[11] and partially Eurosceptic.[12][13] It also advocates direct democracy[14][15] and free access to the Internet,[16] and condemns corruption.

The "five stars" in the name is a reference to five issues championed by the movement: public water, sustainable mobility, development, connectivity, and environmentalism.


Italian Constitutional Referendum, 2016 ex Wiki
A constitutional referendum was held in Italy on Sunday 4 December 2016.[1] Voters were asked whether they approve a constitutional law that amends the Italian Constitution to reform the composition and powers of the Parliament of Italy,[2] as well as the division of powers between the State, the Regions, and administrative entities.

The bill, put forward by the Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, and his centre-left Democratic Party, was first introduced by the government in the Senate on 8 April 2014. After several amendments were made to the proposed law by both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, the bill received its first approval on 13 October 2015 (Senate) and 11 January 2016 (Chamber), and, eventually, its second and final approval on 20 January 2016 (Senate) and 12 April 2016 (Chamber).[3]

In accordance with Article 138 of the Constitution, a referendum was called because the constitutional law had not been approved by a qualified majority of two-thirds in each house of parliament in the second vote.[4] The constitutional referendum rejected the law by 59.11% of the votes, meaning the constitutional reform will not come into effect.[5] This was the third constitutional referendum in the history of the Italian Republic; the other two were in 2001 (in which the amending law was approved) and in 2006 (in which it was rejected).

Had the voters approved the constitutional law, it would have achieved the most extensive constitutional reform in Italy since the end of the monarchy, not only influencing the organization of the Parliament, but also improving, according to its proponents, on the poor government stability of the country. Opposition parties harshly criticised the bill, claiming that it was poorly written and that it would have made the government too powerful.[6]

After the exit polls and the first projections of the evening showed a clear victory of the "No" vote, the Prime Minister, Matteo Renzi, announced he would resign.[7]


Italian Referendum Tomorrow [ 3 December 2016 ]
“TODAY saying No is the most beautiful and glorious form of politics… . Whoever doesn’t understand that can go screw themselves.” It could have been Donald Trump before the US election two weeks ago, or Boris Johnson during the Brexit campaign in Britain last June, but it was actually Beppe Grillo , founder and leader of Italy’s populist Five Star Movement. Grillo unhesitatingly compares his movement to “Trumpismo” in the United States, and the Five Star Movement (M5S) is currently running neck-and-neck with Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s Democratic Party in the opinion polls........... And if M5S comes to power, it is pledged to hold another referendum – this time on pulling Italy out of the euro “single currency”...........

In theory, it’s a long road from a “No” in Sunday’s constitutional referendum to an M5S government and a referendum on the euro. If Renzi resigns, and if no other combination of parties in parliament can form a government (probably not), there would be an election. But then M5S would have to win a majority, which is a long way from its current 30 percent support..........

It is no longer inconceivable that the Front National, which wants to leave not just the euro but the European Union, could win the French presidential election in April. With Britain on its way out, a French government that wants to follow suit, and an Italian government that at least wants to leave the euro, the entire 60-year-old project of European unity could crumble by the end of next year.

That’s a lot of ifs, and the likelihood of such a calamity [ sic ] is still very small. But we do live in interesting times.
The Italian constitutional referendum, 2016 is tomorrow, on Sunday. Gwynne Dyer writing about it sounds more like a leftie than ever. Would leaving the Euro be a disaster? Joining it certainly was but a lot of liars & politicians wanted us to go for it. Now people get heard; it's something called Democracy. Politicians hate it.


Italy Wins Referendum, Europeans Win Too [ 5 December 2016 ]
Now for Italexit! Europe hit by new anti-establishment revolt as Italian PM RESIGNS after losing a referendum that could now gift power to populists wanting to taking the country out of the euro. The vote was on Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi's proposed reforms. Early polls suggested he was losing the vote by 11% in some areas of Italy. Lack of support was being seen as a failure to reach out to the poor Result follows Brexit and Donald Trump in citizens shunning political status quo.............. Europe was rocked again last night after the latest populist surge against Brussels.

The Italian prime minister was swept from power after calling a referendum on constitutional reforms, which became a vote on confidence in his government.

Mr Renzi's opponent Beppe Grillo had urged voters to 'go with your gut not your brain' and had called for Italy to ditch the euro.
The prospects of an Italian vote on leaving the single currency – and by extension the EU itself – now draw closer.........

Mr Renzi's defeat quickly soured any jubilation emanating from Vienna. The loss of a pro-European prime minister in Italy – a founder member of the EU and G7 nation – is a much bigger deal than the defeat of an [ allegedly ] extremist candidate for a ceremonial post in Austria.
You might think from the Daily Mail's tone that it is another ghastly left wing rag. It is, but markets its lies and fairy stories to decent people rather than Socialists, Homosexuals, the BBC & other undesirables. Read the comments to know that the Mail's readers are not stupid enough to believe it.
PS The pound is up this morning - see Pound Versus Euro.
PPS Notice the Mail's use of the word populist. We are supposed to translate it as: Pandering to the depravity of the peasant masses while 'popular' comes out as approved by the BBC, Paedophile perverts, Feminists, Zionist crazies etc.


Italian Politician Will Deport 500 Thousand Illegal Immigrants   [ 24 January 2018 ]
A Right-wing politician who hopes to be the next prime minister of Italy has pledged to expel half a million migrants if his party wins the coming election. Matteo Salvini, the head of the Eurosceptic Northern League [ aka Lega Nord ], said he aimed to repatriate 100,000 migrants in his first year in power, followed by another 400,000 during the rest of his five-year term in office.

“There are half a million irregular migrants in Italy. All of them need to be sent home,” Mr Salvini told La Repubblica newspaper.

The remarks came as the Catholic Church warned that political parties risked fomenting a “climate of fear” by campaigning on immigration issues.
They can be deported; they should be deported. North African countries won't want them back except, perhaps at a price. One sensible alternative is hanging; it's cheaper than shooting. The Catholic Church is hostile but then the whole of Christianity Is Our Enemy.


Italians Furious About Bad Government Importing Illegal Immigrants As Election Looms  [ 25 February 2018 ] 
It is a decade since the financial crisis, but Italy is still angry: from the small-town piazzas of northern Italy, to the picket lines of the old industrial heartlands around Turin, it is the smouldering rage of the people that dominates final campaigning for next weekend’s election [ 4 March ].

There is anxiety over uncontrolled migration; dismay over children without prospects; bitterness towards Europe and its common currency and - encompassing all these grievances - fury and frustration at Italy’s political establishment for failing to act.............

“We need more jobs and less illegal immigrants,” he tells a crowd in Traversetolo, a small town south of Parma with that is predictably proud of it’s ham. It’s cold and raining, but the promise to “boot out” illegal immigrants raises a spontaneous cheer from the residents, who recently elected a League mayor.

“Give me six months and I will clean house in Italy,” he adds, flirting with the imagery of fascism. “When the Lega runs Italy, then Italians will come first - jobs will go first to Italians, houses will go first to Italians.”..........
When that nice little Silvio Berlusconi was running the place there was no problem with Third World parasites. Renzi did not just create the problem; he industrialised it. He turned it into flood just like that treasonous ratbag, Merkel.
PS Context comes from Breitbart at Italian Town 'Taken Over' By Nigerian Migrant Gangs.


Berlusconi’s Comeback Shows That Italy Still Struggles With Its Fascist Past  [ 25 February 2018 ] 
The Guardian does not struggle with its Marxist past; it revels in it. Murdering 85 million people was just one of those things. The dead don't vote. Signora Gasparrini seems to equate success with importing even more Illegal Immigrants. Those who disagree with her are, naturally Fascists or they live near aforementioned infiltrators.
PS The headline is verbatim - and a lie.


Italian Elections Rejects EU Establishment [ 6 March 2018 ] 
Italian voters have swept away their country's pro-European establishment after seventy years of unbroken rule, marking a revolutionary turn in Europe’s post-war history.

Populist parties of Left and Right command the political landscape of a major Eurozone state for the first time, vowing openly to defy EU fiscal rules, banking codes, and migrant policies. Both wings have pledged to roll back reforms forced on Italy by the European Commission and the European Central Bank. Both are committed to manifestos that put them on an unstoppable collision course with the Franco-German hegemony..............

Youth unemployment above 50 per cent across the southern Mezzogiorno - a level once thought morally unthinkable in a modern democracy - was tolerated by Europe’s policy class for too long and too lightly.
Notice that it is a result for Populist parties, pandering to the worst instincts of the peasant masses. They should have fallen in with the wishes of the much wiser Popular politicians who have achieved 50% unemployment & overrun Italy with 600 thousand vicious Third World parasites. Isn't Democracy a terrible idea when granted to shiftless Dagoes?


Italians Vote Against Europe & The Establishment [ 5 March 2018 ] 
Italian voters have flocked to anti-establishment, Eurosceptic parties and rejected mainstream, traditional political parties, the latest results from the country’s election indicated on Monday.

The populist Five Star Movement, founded by stand-up comedian Beppe Grillo as a bombastic challenge to the established order, emerged as the big winner of the general election, in a result that will be viewed with trepidation in Brussels.

With around half the ballot counted, it looked as though the Five Star Movement had won around a third of all votes, up from 25 per cent in Italy’s last general election in 2013.

The Eurosceptic, anti-immigration League also performed well, according to preliminary calculations............

The governing Democratic Party, headed by former prime minister Matteo Renzi, performed dismally, with exit polls suggesting it won less than 20 per cent of the vote – a disastrous result for Italy’s mainstream centre-Left party.
This is not a bad result. The Five Star Movement is about fun. They voted against Renzi, the fool/rogue/traitor/whatever who imported 600,000 Third World parasites. This makes lotsa sense. One wonders why he got any votes at all. Silvio Berlusconi didn't do well. Perhaps people are bored by his shenanigans but he did brighten things up for us.


Italian Coalition Government Will Get Rid Of Half A Million Black Invaders  [ 22 May 2018 ]
The newly-formed coalition government in Italy between the League and the Five Star Movement has vowed to expel half a million African invaders within 18 months, saying that this is a “priority which cannot be delayed.”

Matteo Salvini, head of the League party, and Luigi De Maio, head of the Five Star Movement, are expected to visit the Quirinal Palace to seek permission from Italy’s president to form a coalition government................

According to the coalition document published last Friday, the two parties have decided to “review” EU missions in the Mediterranean, and prevent arrivals of boats in Italian ports without “shared responsibility” from other countries.

The coalition will also seek the “reform of the Dublin treaty to force the automatic and mandatory relocation of asylum seekers among EU member states.”
This is very good news. Recall that Cameron claimed from time to time that he was trying reduce [ not stop ] immigration. He was lying because he wanted votes. Theresa May is no better.


Italy Can No Longer Serve As 'Europe's Refugee Camp' Says Matteo Salvini, As He Pledges To Push EU For Stricter Controls  [ 5 June 2018 ]
Declaring that Italy can no longer serve as “Europe’s refugee camp,” newly installed interior minister Matteo Salvini pledged on Sunday to press EU officials for asylum law reform that allows stricter controls on illegal immigration.

During a visit to one of Europe’s most grim migrant reception centres in the southern Sicilian port of Pozzallo, Mr Salvini said tragic shipwrecks off the coasts of Tunisia and Turkey that left dozens dead over the weekend could have been prevented.  

“Every life is sacred – to save lives you have to stop the departures of “Every life is sacred – to save lives you have to stop the departures of these death boats, which is a lucrative business for some and a disgrace for the rest of the world, said Mr Salvini.
I m not at all sure that Mr Salvini believes that every life is sacred but he is spot on about the lucrative business for the smuggling operations, which are run by Criminal Charities such as Save The Children. One simple answer is to arrest the criminals and take their boats.


Italians Alarm Prigs, Preachers and Bores           [ 22 June 2018 ]
Italians take a grip of their own finances. It sounds good to me. They are grown ups, of course, irresponsible too. Their money, their lives, their problems, not ours.


Italian Government Blocks Another Ship Load Of Illegal Immigrants  [ 11 July 2018 ]
Italy has turned away an Italian ship from its ports because it had rescued migrants - as the country's anti-migrant interior minister blasted 'do-gooders.'  A commercial ship that supplies oil platforms off the coast of Libya pulled 66 migrants to safety on Monday, but it was told not to bring them to Italy, an Interior Ministry source said. 

Italy was sticking to a hardline policy on new arrivals as it presses European allies to share the burden of hosting an influx of displaced people.  Transport Minister Danilo Toninelli, who oversees the coast guard and the country's ports, said the migrants had been transferred to an Italian coast guard vessel on Tuesday after some of them threatened the lives of the Italian crew.
More Criminals, more blacks. Were the Italian importers trying to make money on the side? Perhaps. Encouraging them is dangerous; too many of them are murderers as well as parasites.


Italians Delighted As African Invasion Grinding To A Halt  [ 12 August 2018 ]   
Italy’s Lega leader Matteo Salvini is now that country’s most popular politician as news emerged that his anti-invasion policies have brought the African invasion down by more than 95 percent—and seems set to halt completely within a short while.

News of Salvini’s boost in popularity—to over 30 percent of the electorate—and the success of his anti-invasion policies have been deliberately suppressed by the controlled English-speaking media, but the Italian press has reported extensively on the developments.

The Libero Quotidiano newspaper, for example, reported that when Salvini started his role in the government, his priorities were twofold: firstly to show that his work as minister of the Interior would have immediate effect, and secondly, to curb the growth of his coalition partner party, the Five Star Movement.

“In both these things, Salvini has been successful,” the Libero Quotidiano said...............

“In 70 days, Salvini has raised his support levels from 17.6 percent to over 31 percent, taking away half of Forza Italia’s and a quarter of Brothers of Italy party support.”
It can be done. It should be done. It would be done if Her Majesty's Government were not Traitors, the Enemy Within. It is a convincing improvement in  Mr Salvini's standing. Doing the right thing for the right reasons pays off. Of course Jews don't want blacks either. See e.g. the next one.


Italy Refuses To Allow 170 Illegal Immigrants To Land  [ 22 August 2018 ]  
Italy's Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has refused to allow an Italian coast guard boat to drop off 177 migrants it rescued in the Mediterranean. 

The Diciotti vessel, which rescued the migrants from an overcrowded boat near the Island of Lampedusa five days ago, arrived at the port of Catania in Sicily overnight 'for a technical stopover'. Mr Salvini was forced to allow the boat to dock but refused to let migrants onto land until the European Union committed to taking care of some of them.
The last straw broke the camel's back. The Italians are not letting criminal parasites get away with it. The Mail alleges that this is Far Right. The readers approve wholeheartedly. Are they fool enough to buy the product? NO, they read it on line.


Italy Threatens To Withhold EU Money Unless It Takes Illegal Immigrants   [ 24 August 2018 ]        
At last the Italians have developed a bit of backbone. Simpler, quicker, cheaper and more effective would be shooting or drowning the invaders. The readers are onside of course.


Hungarian And Italian Politicians Unite Against Third World Invaders      [ 29 August 2018 ]   
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini have sealed the outlines of a trans-European Parliament election front designed to counter the pro-Third World invasion alliance led by French president Emmanuel Macron.

According to a statement issued by Orbán’s office following a working meeting with Salvini in Milan, the Hungarian Prime Minister said that “we need a new European Commission that defends Europe’s borders.”

“Hungary has proven that migration can be stopped, though earlier everyone claimed that this was impossible both legally and physically,” Orbán went on to say.

“Matteo Salvini has taken on the historic mission to stop migration also at sea,” he continued, pointing out that “no other country has undertaken this endeavor before. I am of the view that Europe’s security depends on Matteo Salvini’s success, and therefore the Italian politician cannot back down. This courage inspires respect in us,” he added. Orbán added that Hungary “will provide every assistance with Italy’s border protection efforts.”
Macron and  May are enemies of Western Civilization active in promoting a flood of Third World parasites. It is Ethnic Fouling set up by Jews. May is just one of the tools.


Italy's far-right interior minister Salvini says he is being investigated for 'kidnapping migrants'   [ 8 September 2018 ]
Italy 's [ allegedly ] far-right minister Matteo Salvini says he is being investigated for 'kidnapping migrants' after he refused to allow more than 100 to dock until the European Union committed to taking some of them.

The Diciotti vessel, rescued the 137 migrants from an overcrowded boat near the Mediterranean  Island of Lampedusa on August 16 and arrived at the port of Catania in Sicily overnight for a 'technical stopover.'........

Today, prosecutors in Sicily confirmed a probe into Salvini for illegal confinement after he refused to let the migrants off a coastguard ship.
The Mail is lying again, making fraudulent allegations and lying by omission. Signor Salvini is a nationalist, even, perhaps a Patriot. The "migrants" are Third World savages & Illegal Immigrants.


Italian Pro-Illegal Immigration Mayor Arrested For Fraud [ 27 October 2018 ] 
Italy’s world-famous pro-Third World invasion mayor, Domenico Lucano from Riace—who was listed by Fortune magazine as one of the “world’s greatest leaders in 2016”—has been arrested for immigration fraud and the hundreds of African invaders staying in his town illegally have been rounded up in preparation for deportation.

The move to close down what the pro-invasion controlled media called the “Riace project” was taken over the past weekend by Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini according to the La Repubblica newspaper.

The move follows Lucano’s arrest earlier this month on charges of involvement in organizing “marriages of convenience” for asylum purposes. The far left mayor is currently under house arrest in his own town.

Lucano also made himself guilty of corruption charges when he skipped a tender process to award a trash management contract to a local co-operative which was employing the African invaders—a clear breach of the law.

Salvini welcomed Lucano’s arrest and the shipping out of the African invaders as “proof that the government of change has declared war on the immigration business.”
Oh how awful, that such a thoughtful caring man should be treated like that. He has been written up by Hard Left propaganda operations like the BBC but not those more to the right.


Italy Ordered Seizure Of People Smugglers' Ship   [ 20 November 2018 ]
ROME: Italy has ordered the seizure of the migrant rescue ship Aquarius for alleged illegal waste treatment, Doctors without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières MSF) said Tuesday.
The vessel, chartered by MSF and the SOS Mediterranean charity and currently docked in the French port of Marseille, is suspected of passing off 24 tons of potentially toxic waste as ordinary waste, Italian media reported.
The toxic waste thing is basically an excuse to work against Criminal Charities, criminal organisations like Médecins Sans Frontières, abusing Charitable status to cause Ethnic Fouling followed by Genocide.


Matteo Salvini Plays High Stake Brinkmanship In Italy  [ 23 August 2019 ]
Current Italian Deputy Prime Minister  and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has ended his governing alliance with the Five Star Party (MS5) in the hope of forcing a new election which would likely propel him to the Premiership—but his enemies are working furiously behind closed doors to prevent this from happening, and might succeed............

After consulting with Sergio Mattarella, the current President of Italy, PD leader Nicola Zingaretti was quoted saying that he “wanted to form a new government but not at any cost”. Zingaretti has said the party would back an M5S coalition dependent on five conditions, including a complete reversal of Salvini’s zero-tolerance policy on African invaders crossing the Mediterranean Sea into Europe..........

Opinion polls suggest the Lega would win a new vote, taking 38 percent of the vote. Together with its obvious electoral partners, the Fratellie D’Italia (8 percent) and the Forzia Italia party (6.5%), this would give Salvini an absolute majority in the Italian parliament, opening the way for him to become Prime Minister and completely crack down on the nonwhite invasion of Italy.

It is this possibility, however, which has the far left and communists in a panic, and it is likely that they will do whatever they can to prevent a new election.
Signor Salvini would be in a stronger position as prime minister, better able to get a grip of Third World parasites and the smugglers, mainly Corrupt Criminal Charities. The president objects.


Italian Free Traders Thriving   [ 19 October 2019 ]
Milton Friedman used to say that “for many years Italy did well because of the black market.” Italy grew rapidly over the 20th century, and its black market was part of an important economic recovery after World War II. Italians made everything from low- cost toys to high-quality cars, and from world-renowned coffee to thousands of movies. However, in 2018 Italy is one of only two European countries where GDP per capita has not recovered from the financial crisis. Italy has an unemployment rate of 11 percent and a youth unemployment rate of about 35 percent. In addition, Italians have the second largest government debt in the world relative to their GDP.

Italy’s problem, similar to many of its southern-European neighbors, is an oppressively high tax burden, irresponsible welfare programs that encourage high measured unemployment and increase the debt, and high levels of regulation.
The Shadow Economy is about Free Trade.
People have worked out that most Tax is stolen or wasted. In fact it is worse. The American CIA uses its power in the Narcotics Industry to finance covert operations as well as wars. You doubt it? Then see The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade by Alfred McCoy. Professor McCoy is a respectable academic telling us about the Deep State. His essential points were confirmed by Edward Snowden.


Italian Government Importing Third World Freeloaders With Malice Aforethought  [ 25 October 2019 ]
Matteo Salvini has sharply criticized the Italian government’s shift in immigration policy, saying that Italy is going back to being “Europe’s refugee camp.”

The leader of Italy’s populist League (Lega) party has sent out a flurry of tweets Saturday and Sunday slamming a rollback of his decrees as interior minister to curb illegal immigration, accusing the new Five Star-Democratic Party government of betraying the Italian people................

“Now the new leftist government is reopening the ports: hardly advocates of the Italians, here I see advocates of illegal immigrants,” he wrote

On Saturday, Dario Franceschini, Italy’s new Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and a member of the Democrats (PD) sent out a tweet explaining the new policy toward migrants and NGOs.

“The government assigns a safe port to #Ocean Viking and the migrants will be welcomed in many European countries,” he said. “The end of Salvini’s propaganda on the skin of desperate people at sea. Politics and good international relations are back to address and solve the problem of migration.”
Matteo was the Deputy Prime Minister of Italy until September & making a difference for the better.  Franceschini's allegation that Third World parasites are wanted is a barefaced lie.


Matteo Salvini's League Party Gets The Votes  [ 29 October 2019 ]
Donatella Tesei, a senator for the League, who was also backed by the [ allegedly ] far-right  Brothers of Italy and former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia, won the top seat as governor with 57.6 per of the votes. The result restores impetus to Mr Salvini after a political blunder led to his party losing a spot in the country’s national government this summer.

The hard-right [ sic ] leader walked out of the ruling coalition his party had formed with the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement in August, expecting to trigger a national election that polls predicted he would win. Five-Star promptly hooked up with the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) and shunted Salvini into opposition.

But the new 5-Star/PD alliance failed its first electoral test in Umbria as Vincenzo Bianconi, leader of the civic alliance backed by the two parties, garnered only 37.5 percent of the votes.............

Opinion polls show the League, with its anti-migrant, anti-tax message, has shed little support since it lost power  nationally, and remains easily Italy’s most popular party, with around 30 percent of the vote.
The left used Matteo's absence as an opportunity to import Third World criminals - see e.g. Italian Government Importing Third World Freeloaders With Malice Aforethought. Now the voters have responded; it is payback time.


Far Left Criminals Give Public Housing To Illegal Immigrants  [ 6 November 2019 ]
Police have arrested five members of a far-left extremist group in Milan after they broke into vacant public housing and illegally gave it away to migrants.

The five individuals, three Italian nationals, a Romanian, and an Angolan, are members of the far-left Comitato Autonomo Abitanti Barona (CAAB). CAAB claims to fight against evictions and for the right to housing, Il Giornale reports.

Police allege that the group broke into uninhabited publically-owned apartments and then illegally assigned them to migrants. The new occupants pay the group between €700 and €1,400 in what investigators have labelled as bribes.

The migrants, who mostly come from non-European Union states, were also expected to take part in demonstrations against evictions and were often at the front of protests in which the group clashed with Milan police.

Investigators were tipped off to the group’s activities by a 43-year-old Moroccan migrant who had become disillusioned with CAAB’s activities and stopped showing up to demonstrations and meetings..........

Public housing for migrants has been a significant issue in many Italian cities, including in Sesto San Giovanni. Earlier this year, the city’s right-wing Mayor Roberto Di Stefano reversed a leftist policy of giving migrants priority for housing over local Italians.
These Hard Left activists would claim the Moral High Ground but proved their vicious nature by beating up one of their customers. Notice too that they are making lotsa money out of this racket.


Left Wing Government Imports 900 Percent More Illegal Immigrants Into Italy  [ 2 March 2020 ]
Since January 1st of 2020, a total of 2,553 migrants have arrived in Italy under the leftist coalition government, with February also seeing a surge in new arrivals.

The new figures, particularly those for February, which saw 1,211 migrants enter the country illegally, dwarf those of 2019 — when populist League leader Matteo Salvini was still Interior Minister — when just 60 migrants arrived in the country.

The figures in 2020 are also slightly larger than the same period in 2018 before Salvini was able to enact tighter border controls by banning migrant transport NGOs from Italian ports, Il Giornale reports.

In total, between January and February of 2019, Italy saw just 262 migrants arrive illegally in the country, so the 2,553 of 2020 represent a 948 per cent increase overall.

The number of migrants has also risen month after month since September of last year when the leftist coalition of the Five Star Movement and the Democratic Party (PD) formed and Salvini and the League left government.

Members of the PD have made it clear they are looking to scrap the migration and security decrees enacted by Salvini that worked to reduce the number of illegals — and also served to reduce the number of drowning deaths in the Mediterranean.

PD members have not shied away from declaring a desire to scrap the anti-mass migration decrees even in the face of the coronavirus outbreak, which has seen well over 600 cases of the virus emerge in recent weeks across the country. 
The quasi-intellectuals of the Hard Left, often Jews like Karl Marx and Trotsky have deserted the Working Class; now they are favouring Third World aliens. They have foisted millions of them on Western Civilization. The likes of BlairBrownCameronHeathJuncker, Merkel, Obama,  & May are Enemies Of The People. They know that Illegal Immigrants Import Diseases and Cost Billions. Do they care? No.


Italy Will Give 600, 000 Illegal Immigrants The Right To Stay  [ 8 May 2020 ]
Italy will give 600,000 illegal migrants the right to stay in the country after the government said they proved essential by caring for the elderly and picking crops during the coronavirus crisis. 

Unregistered migrants have worked in fields across the country to protect food supplies, all whilst risking being arrested if caught by police. 'The food on our table comes from these fields. Now we must hand over those rights which have been denied to those who work in them,' Peppe Provenzano, minister for the south of Italy, said.

The permits - which won't give migrants the right to vote - will be valid for six months and will be renewable. They were proposed by the agricultural minister Teresa Bellanova.
Politicians running things, the political elite are corrupt, a de facto criminal conspiracy. Their first obligation, their sworn duty is Salus Populi Suprema Lex; Latin for the welfare of the people shall be the supreme law. It means e.g. that encouraging mass Immigration by Third World parasites is a breach of good government and Treason to boot. They are the Enemy Within.


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Updated  on Tuesday, 02 January 2024 13:59:52