First World War

Was called the Great War with some reason. It became the First World War after we achieved another. The immediate cause seems to have been the Treaty of London of 1839 which obligated us to defend Belgium against invasion. The Germans had the same obligation, having signed the same treaty but Kaiser Bill was not concerned about that. A rather better appreciation is at Joyeux Noel - The Causes Of The First World War. It kicked off with the German Invasion of Belgium.

It was finished by dragging America in. Lloyd George brought us the Balfour Declaration telling Rothschild that he could have Palestine if he got the Americans to join on our side. He did. The consequences were ugly & with us yet. 

Should we have joined in? Could we, should we have left them to get on with it? Real historians debate it on YouTube. Actually one of them is Max Hastings, a mere journalist, one who was in 10 PARA until he was kicked out.

UPDATE: Hidden History The Secret Origins of the First World War, by Antony C. Black ex Unz Review [ 19 July 2017 ] explains about the origins of that war. The review is definitely on the right lines. The Boer War, circa 1900 was used by Jews to rob the Afrikaners of the gold and diamonds. Somewhat later Jews from Lithuania used the South African Communist Party and Nelson Mandela to dispossess the White Man
UPDATE II: The Gallipoli Campaign of 1915 - 1916 was fought by the ANZACs & other Commonwealth forces then written up very well by the official historian. See Charles Bean and the Origins of-ANZAC. NB Rupert Murdoch's father wormed his way in too.


The Great War Was Started By Stupidity
Geoffrey Bloom, a Libertarian puts an informed view. Are politicians any better informed today? He says not. I agree.


The High Cost Of Vengeance
FOLLOWING WORLD WAR I FRANCE AND BRITAIN REFUSED TO LISTEN to the statesmen who said that you can have peace or vengeance, not both. They broke their armistice pledge to Germany that peace would be made on the basis of President Wilson's Fourteen Points and "the principles of settlement enunciated" by the American President.* They continued the starvation blockade of Germany for six months after the Armistice, in order to force the German democrats who had taken over the government to sign a dictated peace. Having promised a peace without annexations or indemnities, they deprived Germany of territory and imposed a crushing reparations burden on the newly established Weimar Republic.

Having promised general disarmament they disarmed Germany without disarming themselves. The victors refused even to discuss the terms of peace with the vanquished who had surrendered on stated conditions which were not fulfilled, and in general discredited democracy in German eyes by associating it with broken pledges, national humiliation, and economic distress. The Nazi movement, born from the dragon seeds planted at Versailles, and brought to monstrous growth by the world depression which raised the total number of unemployed in Germany to six million, took power at the moment of Europe's and America's greatest economic crisis. Inevitably, the second World War followed the first after an interval of only twenty years.
Thus wrote Freda Utley. She was largely right. World War II was the price. It gave rise to the Stab In The Back Myth [ The Wikipedia's thoroughly unreliable version of truth - Editor ]. At this moment, in 2022 vicious rogues in Washington are trying to start World War III. They are in fact Zionist crazies who hate Russia.


Kaiser Bill AKA Wilhelm II, German Emperor ex Wiki
The Wikipedia tells us that Bill was an arrogant pushy fool who sacked Otto von Bismarck, a great statesman then stirred up trouble. One achievement was supporting Austria-Hungary in the crisis of July 1914, thus starting the First World War. His greatest success was losing it.


False Flag at Sea
Tells us that the sinking of the Lusitania was used as a propaganda tool to get America into this war. True or false? This source might be reliable. There again it might not.


First World War Aftermath
Was bad news for England and millions of men. My great uncle was just one of them.


Treaty of London (1839) ex Wiki
The Treaty of London of 1839, also called the First Treaty of London, the Convention of 1839, and the London Treaty of Separation, was a treaty signed on 19 April 1839 between the European great powers, the United Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Belgium. It was the direct follow-up of the 1831 'Treaty of the XXIV Articles' which the Netherlands had refused to sign, and the result of negotiations at the London Conference of 1838-1839. Under the treaty, the European powers recognized and guaranteed the independence and neutrality of Belgium and confirmed the independence of the German speaking part of Luxembourg. Its main historical significance was Article VII, which required Belgium to remain perpetually neutral, and by implication committed the signatory powers to guard that neutrality in the event of invasion.[1]
Treaty of London, 1839: The Complete Text is in English. The actual document is in French, the language of diplomacy, then if not now.


Versailles Treaty
Came out of the Paris Peace Conference, the meeting of the victors after the First World War. It decided what was going to be done to Germany. The verdict was; Rob them blind. The French were particularly vindictive.  Germany lost all of its colonies. Remember Sudwest Afrika, which is now called Namibia? It also lost a lot of its own territory. Screwing  them was not entirely a good idea. It was the major cause of the Second World War.