The Rockefellers and World Government

Do the Rockefellers want world government? Are they trying to achieve it? Have they got what it takes? Do they intend to run it as the Masters of the Universe? These questions may seem absurd, fantastic, outlandish or just plain paranoid. Gary Allen has written a book on the issue [ None Dare Call It Conspiracy ] and his answer is a very definite YES to all of them! It is on line at The Rockefeller File

This is from Chapter 7 - Surrender By Consent

As we have seen in the preceding chapter, there can be absolutely no doubt that the major Rockefeller goal today is the creation of a "New World Order" a one-world government that would control all of mankind. But, wanting a Global Superstate and getting one are two different things. How do the Rockefellers expect to round up all of us cows and herd us into their World Government corral?

The Rockefellers know that the roads to World Government can be as varied as human hopes, fears, ambitions, ignorance and greed. And since the Rockefellers' never put all of their financial or political eggs into one basket, you will not be surprised to learn that they are involved in promoting every conceivable route to a World Superstate. If there is an approach they have overlooked, we can't think of it. (And if you can, please don't mention it out loud-or the New York Times might announce tomorrow that the Council on Foreign Relations or a Rockefeller Foundation grant is supporting it.)

A complete listing of all organizations, movements, publications, and programs supporting World Government, which in turn are managed behind the scenes by the Rockefeller-CFR axis, would fill a book the size of the Los Angeles area telephone directory. Obviously, we can mention only a few of the more important trails along the Rockefellers' drive toward World Government.

Certainly the most visible pathway toward World Government is the organization that was created in 1945 by the Rockefellers for precisely this purpose - the United Nations. As we shall see in the next chapter, the controlled media have deliberately created a myth that the UN is a meaningless debating society. We are supposed to believe that the Rockefellers have spent millions on an organization that is, at best, an expensive but relatively harmless irritant. This public image of the UN has been invaluable to the global master planners, and it is about as accurate as an itinerant peddler's claim for his sure-fire snake oil potion.

If the Rockefeller thought-controllers can persuade enough Americans to accept voluntarily the surrender of US sovereignty to the United Nations, their long campaign for World Government will be over. The -New World Order -will have arrived- with all the hoopla of a Wall Street ticker tape parade. The Rockefellers would be willing to pay almost any price for such a bloodless coup d'etat, Infact, they are paying millions of dollars every year to finance just such a possibility. Here are just a few of the organizations in the United States which are financed and/or directed by the Rockefeller - CFR combine that are actively promoting the voluntary demise of American independence.

American Assembly - The American Assembly

American Association for the United Nations - American Association for the United Nations

American Friends Service Committee - American Friends Service Committee

Arden House Group - Arden Conference Center - WikiCU, the Columbia University wiki ... - defunct?

Atlantic Union - Atlantic Union ex Wiki

Business Council - The Business Council

Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences - Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford ...

Center of Diplomacy and Foreign Policy - Center on Public Diplomacy (USC) » Public Diplomacy

Chatham House - Chatham House

Citizens Committee for International Development - Remarks to the Citizens Committee for International Development ...

Committees on Foreign Relations - American Committees on Foreign Relations

Committee for Economic Development

Council on Foreign Relations - Council on Foreign Relations ex Wiki

Federation of World Governments - ????

Foreign Policy Association

Institute of International Education

Institute for World Order

National Planning Association US National Commission

The Trilateral Commission World Affairs Council - Trilateral Commission ex Wiki

United World Federalists

If you recognize more than half of this list, congratulations!

You are already well-informed about this Rockefeller road to serfdom. But if most of these names are new to you, we respectfully suggest that you have some homework to do. And while doing it, please remember that some of the most innocent sounding groups, or some apparently ineffective body whose avowed purposes seem totally non-political, may be one of the most dangerous tentacles on the whole World Government octopus.

Such is the case with one of the oldest organizations mentioned above, Atlantic Union. It is the grandaddy of regional government schemes, composed of those who believe that getting half a loaf is half way to getting a whole loaf. Atlantic Unionists argue that regional government is a necessary way station on the road to total World Government. Until Rocky's boy Henry sprung détente on them, Atlantic Union was also the organization for one-worlders who claimed to be anti-Communists. (And, indeed, there were some legitimate anti Communists in the group.)

The Atlantic Unionists believe that our War of Independence was all a ghastly mistake. This may seem a little odd as we prepare to celebrate the nation's bicentennial, but there are as many unreconstructed Tories on Wall Street as there are unreconstructed secessionists in Alabama.

The idea of Atlantic Union had its origin in the fertile brain of an Englishman named Cecil Rhodes, whose dream was to see the United States reannexed to the British Empire. To this end he established the Rhodes Foundation, providing for the education in England of bright young Americans.

In 1939, a Rhodes Scholar named Clarence Streit wrote a book called Union Now, which advocated a gradual approach to final world union by way of regional unions, starting with the union between the US and Britain. Committees were set up all over America, and Mr. Streit reported that over two million Americans had signed petitions asking for union with Britain.

In Streit's own words, Atlantic Union, now expanded to include Western Europe, was the first step towards total world government:" It [Union Now] proclaimed the need of world government and insisted that no country needed this more urgently than the United States.

Streit, who has been a close associate of Communists and socialists all his adult life, has no hostility towards collectivism. He said in Union Now: - Democracy not only allows mankind to choose freely between capitalism and collectivism, but it includes Marxist governments."

In his pamphlets Streit asks the question:" Does the rise of socialism in some Western European democracies prevent our federating with them?" He answers with an emphatic "No !"

In March 1949, Federal Union set up a political-action unit called the Atlantic Union Committee. The first president of this Committee was former Supreme Court justice Owen J. Roberts, who said he considers national sovereignty a " silly shibboleth."


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.
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Updated on 23/06/2018 21:29